Friday, February 8, 2013

The Shocking Truth about anti-aging treatments

Ok, Everyone wants to look younger, right? everyone already knows collagen is what gives your skin the elasticity. And everyone know many things reduces your collagen in your skin. Like age, smoking, lack of moisture, polluted air, sun, improper diet and the list go's on and on. But what many don't know is that your skin can NOT absorb collagen. The fact is that collagen is a protein found IN your skin and even IF your body could absorb it there would be no benefit of it. Say, for a moment, however, that collagen did have some beneficial properties when applied topically to the skin. It would then be important to note the type of collagen that is used. Most collagen found on ingredient lists is referred to as “soluble collagen.”  This means the manufacturer has actually cut the molecule into tiny pieces. Therefore, even if they were beneficial, you aren’t getting true collagen products - only pieces of these proteins. Which in turn means all the money you are spending on these "miracle creams are a waist. You might as well have taken that money and thrown it up into the wind and walked away. Don't worry I've done it to just as most of you did. But the scary part is that just last night I was reading an article where Oprah was endorsing a product that contained "human foreskin"! Needless to say I was sure glad to see I never used that product. It was Skin Medica. But it sure made me think about all the other stuff that I have tried and what might have been in it. Which is exactly why we do what we do now.

FACTS: Collagen is the protective fiber that serves as the connective tissue in the body. Made of protein, collagen contains large amount of two amino acids. Hydroxyproline and hydroxylysine provide collagen with the flexibility and strength to hold tissue and organs together, expand with growth and repair damaged cells. With age, sunlight and free radical exposure, collagen in the skin loses its elasticity and produces new cells at a much lower rate.
Now here is some keys to Restoring the Collagen in your skin.
  • Eat foods high in vitamin C to provide your body with the tools to turn proline and lysine into collagen. The most effective sources of vitamin C include most fruits and vegetables. Particularly effective sources include broccoli, strawberries, tomatoes, blueberries and leafy greens.
  • Include lean meats, egg whites and wheat germ in your diet to supply your body with sufficient amounts of lysine and proline needed to restore collagen, peanuts are another effective source of the amino acids that make up the structure of collagen.
  • Apply creams like Red Dirt Soap Rejuvenating Cream on your skin that contain tea extracts. Oolong, green and black teas contain anti-inflammatory ingredients and antioxidants that can restore collagen and temporarily reduce the appearance of wrinkles.
  • Add garlic to your diet to support collagen production. Garlic contains taurine and lipoid acid, amino acids that contain sulpher, known to help slow down the damage done to collagen.
  • Use foods high in phytonutrients to complete your collagen diet. Anthocyanidins found in fruits such as blueberries, cherries, raspberries and blackberries, has been found to strengthen the collagen fibers to maintain firmer and healthier skin tone.
Red Dirt Soap Company has some of the most amazing products in their facial treatments. For instance the Exfoliating Mask has green tea, horsetail herbs in them. As well has raw honey, jojoba oil and a light exfoliation. Facial Scrub is kelp, soy milk powder, olive oil, jojoba oil, apricot kernel oil, and oatmeal. Youth In a Bottle is packed full of 97% essential oils with 3% light carrier oil to deeply clean and tighten your pores. The Rejuvenating Cream green tea, apricot kernel oil and many essential oils. As with all our products they are 100% pure natural plant oils and herbs.

Red Dirt Soap Company
Rt 1 Box 159 Delaware, OK 74027 US
Phone: 918-559-9186 Website:

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