Sunday, February 10, 2013

Natural Skincare Treatments for Embarrassing Skin Problems

In the world today 89% of us have embarrassing skin problems of some kind. It may be excessively dry skin, acne, eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, vitiligo, rosacea, and many more. The pharmaceutical companies have developed many medications for most of these skin problems. Personally I think there is a problem with their for of treatment. Most of the prescription treatments can cause severe damage to important organs in the body such as liver, kidneys, blood and more. Now where I am confuse is this, why in the world would anyone want to risk their life with medications that could potentially kill them to clear up their skin? We unfortunately the biggest reason is because society looks at the outer part of a person instead of the inter. In general we look at "how someone presents themselves physically" instead of looking deeper into the heart and mind. So to get excepted by society we jeopardies our health by using treatments that could potentially kill us.

Now some of you may be saying oh well I don't use any prescription medications I just use lotions and creams from the store. But did you know that most of them first of all are 70% or more alcohol? Now how is that good for your skin? Well it's not. And to top it off of that remaining 30% about 25% of it is chemicals. Many of which can cause cancer, or liver problems and more just the same. What I am saying is when you read a bottle from the store that says it contains "shea butter, cocoa butter, avocado, jojoba, etc" It only has MAYBE 5% of them.

Now the difference between all of these and natural plant oil products such as what Red Dirt Soap makes is simple. First of all Red Dirt Soap products are 100% natural plant oils. Ok, now you may be saying so? Well the biggest reason why this is important is this, plant oils is the closest you can get to the oils from your skin. Natural plant oils will actually absorb through every layer of skin to truly heal the problem not just mask the problem. Now please understand, most skin problems their is no "cure" for them. BUT with using our products regularly know one will ever know you have them. We have many products for problem skin in our Skin Treatment Section as well as our Facial Products. And as always if you don't know what to get please don't hesitate to ask. We are here to help you in anyway we can. We have helped many with their skincare problems. And we want to help you. We believe God as put everything on earth we could ever possibly need. We just have to use the knowledge he gave us to find it. We carry everything from the mildest soap, problem skin treatments, lotion, hair care, and more.
Red Dirt Soap Company
Rt 1 Box 159 Delaware, OK 74027 US
Phone: 918-559-9186 Website:

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