Sunday, February 24, 2013

China is it Organic? Is it safe? A MUST READ!

Here at Red Dirt Soap we are proud to say we do NOT use anything grown in China.

When it comes to anything from China, "organic" beware! There has been lots of research on the issue quite extensively. And the conclusion is that "organic" from China is largely a fraud. Here's why...

You're going to be shocked to learn that there is no limit to how much mercury, lead, cadmium, arsenic and aluminum is allowed in "organic" products. USDA organic standards has NO LIMITS on levels of heavy metals contamination of certified organic foods. Even further, there is no limit on the contamination of PCBs, BPA and other synthetic chemicals that's allowed in certified organic foods, superfoods and supplements.

At this point, you're probably shaking your head in disbelief and thinking, "No, that can't be true. Organic standards must check for heavy metals and chemical contamination, right?" Well your wrong. "Organic" certifies a process of how food is grown or produced. Certifies that the farmer doesn't add pesticides, herbicides, petroleum-based fertilizer, metals or synthetic chemicals to the crop (among other things), and that the soil must be free from such things for a certain number of years before organic certification is approved. But organic certification does nothing to address environmental sources of pollution such as chemtrails, contaminated irrigation water, and fallout from industrial or chemical factories that might be nearby. A certified organic farmer can use polluted water on their crops and still have the crops labeled "organic."

For this reason: the environment in which organic foods are produced is critical to the cleanliness of the final product.

Organic farming in a clean environment produces clean, organic foods. But organic farming in a polluted environment produces contaminated organic foods. And China is one of the most polluted chemical cesspools on the planet.

China is a nation that has virtually no environmental regulation enforcement. In China, anything goes: You can dump mercury into rivers. You can spray raw human sewage sludge on crops. You can produce factory-made chemicals and blow the waste products right into the air through smokestacks. In China, many rivers are so toxic that, from time to time, they actually catch on fire and burn.

The water that's often used in "organic" food and superfood production in China. So even though the farmer is following "organic process standards", he may be using irrigation water that's wildly contaminated with metals, chemicals and even pesticide residues. He may be spraying hormone drugs on the crops because there's a pharmaceutical factory upstream.

Some exceptions to this is goji berries are grown at high altitude, far away from the pollution of China's cities and rivers. Goji berries sourced from China tend to be very clean and have very low levels of contamination. There are no doubt other exceptions to the rule, but how do you know what is safe that comes out of China.

In North America, "organic" is legitimate precisely because North America has far more strict environmental standards. Organic is clean food, responsibly produced, and consistently less contaminated than conventional food. The same is true across Europe, where organic standards are also strict. But in China, "organic" is has no ethics and cannot be trusted.

And the laboratory tests bear this out. An investigative story on chlorella showing that "organic" chlorella from China is polluted with nearly ten times the aluminum level of "organic" chlorella from Taiwan. And the cleanest chlorella found in terms of metals contamination was actually a non-organic chlorella produced in Korea.

China is a communist regime. It is a country where all religion has been outlawed and the people are never taught ethics or morality. They have no moral compass. Across China, the majority of the population believes that the best way to get ahead is to CHEAT, lie and steal, even if it means harming someone else in the process.

China is the country where they put melamine in infant formula, knowing that it will kill little children. China is the country where the paint on children's toys contains obscene levels of brain-damaging lead. China is a nation of shortcut-takers who will do anything to cheapen a product as long as they can cover it up and trick the buyer. This is why there has always been the little chuckle when something breaks and you discover it's "made in China" has, for decades. If you buy pet treats made in China, you are murdering your pet with the most insane chemicals imaginable. The stuff that goes into some pet treats made in China is highly toxic and causes cancer. This is one of the main factors behind the alarming rise of cancers among dogs and cats in North America.

Now, of course, there are people in China who rebel against all this. There are exceptions to the rule, and there may even be some honest organic food producers in China that buck the trend. Not all mainland Chinese are bad people. Many wish to overthrow the corrupt government and restore freedom, liberty and justice to the country. But because they are all disarmed (China has no Bill of Rights), they are powerless against a dictatorial government. They are slaves to the system.

Chinese medicine herbs from China are notoriously contaminated with lead. The same is true for green tea and many other ingredients that naturally absorb heavy metals.

China has virtually no environmental enforcement whatsoever, the very idea that something grown in China can be certified "organic" is absurd. So why do so many formulators and food companies in the USA still buy ingredients from China? Because they're CHEAP.Buying from China means higher profit. Raw materials from China are cheap! Across the board, raw materials (foods, superfoods, supplements) from China are about 1/4th the cost of materials grown in North America or Europe. This means getting your ingredients from China grants your product a lot more profit in the marketplace. For those selling through Whole Foods -- whose product shelves are littered with ingredients made in China -- this profit margin is essential to economic survival.

The very idea of "organic" coming out of China is a disturbing contradiction. And organic standards have a huge gap in the fact that they don't require foods to actually be free from mercury or other contaminants. Overall, organic is a wonderful standard, but when a "USDA organic" label is slapped on a product grown in China, you really have to scratch your head and say, "Yeah, it might be organic, but is it clean?" It may be, but you just don't know until you test it. "Organic" grown in the USA can be assumed to be clean, but organic grown in China must be assumed contaminated unless proven otherwise.

Until China enforces some really strict environmental standards, "organic" from China you should use extreme caution. You can lie to yourself and say, "Well it's ORGANIC so it must be clean!" but you'll be swallowing mercury, lead, pesticides and other synthetic chemicals in various amounts. If you buy "organic" foods, superfoods or supplements grown in China, you need to know about this.

A recent government study found that groundwater in 90% of China's cities is contaminated, most of it severely. The head of China's ministry of water resources said last year that up to 40% of the country's rivers are "seriously polluted", and an official report from last summer found that up to 200 million rural Chinese have no access to clean drinking water.

The country has polluted itself far beyond the point of long-term sustainable life. Children are being born as mutants. Rivers support no fish life. Soils are building up obscene levels of contaminants and becoming so toxic that crop yields are affected. Cities are so filled with airborne pollution that the mere act of breathing causes cancer. And on top of that, China's one-child policy has resulted in mass gendercide where baby girls are routinely -- and yes, I mean ROUTINELY -- murdered, drowned, suffocated, etc., because the family wants a son, not a daughter.

China has a terminal environmental crisis on its hands, compounded by an eternally corrupt, dictatorial communist regime government that oppresses freedom and outlaws religion while forcing families to kill their own baby girls under its population control mandates.

Red Dirt Soap Company
Rt 1 Box 159 Delaware, OK 74027 US

Phone: 918-559-9186 Website:

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Natural Skin Care SUPER SALE!

Great time to try out some fantastic natural skin care items.

Red Dirt Soap Company
Rt 1 Box 159 Delaware, OK 74027 US
Phone: 918-559-9186 Website:

How to prevent a shaving rash NATURALLY!

Is it really possible to get a nice smooth shave without the discomfort and irritations? Yes it is. Reality is male or female you shave. And 92% of people have irritation as a result of it. Unfortunately we have all felt like it was "just part of growing up". We buy expensive razors, all those shaving creams and gels that say they protect the skin, only to still have problems. Some people have really bad irritations others its very mild. But never the less its uncomfortable, very aggregating, and for some can become quite the embarrassment with that red bumpy irritation. For some it itches, others its very tender and inflamed.

But NOW you don't have to suffer the torture of the razor anymore. You can shave with ease, booth confidence, and even extend the life of your razor. No more razor burn, red bumps, or irritation. Finally you can get that sexy smooth shave you have only dreamed of.

I bet your wondering what this secret product is? Well its simple. It is Red Dirt Soap Company Shave Oil. Everyone who has tried it has said it helped tremendously with even the most sensitive skin. Several men has reported that they can now shave without the burning discomfort. And many woman have commented that it makes shaving a breeze. Now ladies you know summer is just right around the corner. Which means bikinis! Wouldn't it be wonderful to finally be able to shave those extremely sensitive areas with out those ugly red bumps?

Now you may be thinking, yes, but how much? Well, it is only $12.00 as an introductory to try it for a limited time we will even give you FREE SHIPPING! It only takes a few drops (about 5 for face), and you will get the SHAVE OF A LIFE TIME! And just remember just like with all our skin care products it is 100% natural. NO ALCOHOL, NO PETROLUNM, NO CHEMICALS, NO MINERAL OIL. Everything we make is 100% pure natural plant oils. "NOT JUST NATURAL, BUT NATURAL THE WAY GOD MADE IT"

Red Dirt Soap Company
Rt 1 Box 159 Delaware, OK 74027 US
Phone: 918-559-9186 Website:

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

The miracle in a bottle! Aloe Vera!

Aloe Vera Capsules use freeze dried Aloe Vera in a two piece hard gelatin capsule. 100% Aloe Vera powder in capsules being of the finest available. They are 100 mg. per capsule with equivalency of 3.3 ounces of Aloe Vera juice per each capsule. One bottle of 50 capsules is equivalent to a little more than 5 quarts of Aloe Vera Juice. The potency is increased substantially due to the fact that upon drying the product becomes concentrated.

Here are some benefits of taking Aloe daily:

• Halts the growth of cancer tumors.
• Lowers high cholesterol.
• Repairs  "sludge blood" and reverses  "sticky blood".
• Boosts the oxygenation of your blood.
• Eases  inflammation and soothes arthritis pain.
• Protects the body from oxidative  stress.
• Prevents kidney stones and protects the body from oxalates in  coffee and tea.
• Alkalizes the body, helping to balance overly acidic  dietary habits.
• Cures ulcers, IBS, Crohn's disease and other digestive  disorders.
• Reduces high blood pressure natural, by treating the cause, not  just the symptoms.
• Nourishes the body with minerals, vitamins, enzymes and  glyconutrients.
• Accelerates healing from physical burns and radiation  burns.
• Replaces dozens of first aid products, makes bandages and  antibacterial sprays obsolete.
• Halts colon cancer, heals the intestines and  lubricates the digestive tract.
• Ends constipation.
• Stabilizes blood  sugar and reduces triglycerides in diabetics.
• Prevents and treats candida  infections.
• Protects the kidneys from disease.
• Functions as nature's  own "sports drink" for electrolyte balance, making common sports drinks  obsolete.
• Boosts cardiovascular performance and physical endurance.
•  Speeds recovery from injury or physical exertion.
• Hydrates the skin,  accelerates skin repair.

Research has shown there is nothing else that compares to the medicinal potential of aloe vera. And yet most people only know about the topical applications of aloe vera gel. They think it's only good for sunburns. In reality, aloe vera is useful for both external and internal use. We use 100% pure aloe in most of our products. But NOW we even sell the capsules. And we feel that Aloe is only one of many natural sources that God has put on this earth for healing us.

Red Dirt Soap Company
Rt 1 Box 159 Delaware, OK 74027 US
Phone: 918-559-9186 Website:

Monday, February 18, 2013

GOT PAINS? We can help naturally.

Well we spent the day making up a big batch of our natural pain liniment.

Pain - B - Gone. It works fantastic on any type of pain like, joints, arthritis, headaches, back aches, muscle and bone pain, sprains, any kind of injury, anti-inflammatory properties and it is a good choice for overexerted muscles, injury where there is deep tissue pain, sciatica and even Dercums Disease. And we have not made it even better. By taking the advise of customers we have put it into a thicker form (balm like form) And it works great! Maybe even a little better than the liquid. But we do still have the liquid form as well.

My husband suffers from sever back pain. He has 4 bulging discs in his lower back and is waiting for surgery. This liniment even helps with his back pain. You wont be disappointed.

So what are you waiting on? Give it a try.

Red Dirt Soap Company
Rt 1 Box 159 Delaware, OK 74027 US
Phone: 918-559-9186 Website:

Saturday, February 16, 2013

BUT WE have what the others DON'T and ain't afraid to brag about it!

A point to ponder.........

Our wonderful and NATURAL wax melts are NOT just good for smell. but they are also great for your skin. WHAT? WAIT? HUGH??? Yes, that's right ladies and gentlemen! Our wonderful melts will not only make your house smell GREAT then will soften your skin too!!! 

So go ahead when the wax is melted you can rub it into your most driest areas of skin (hand, elbows, feet, etc...) and feel for yourself how moisturizing this warm soy wax lotion is. Just be careful and make sure its not to hot. You may be asking how can that be? I don't want to put "wax" on my body! Well our melts are made from ONLY the finest natural soy and bees wax, and we have not improved it by adding cocoa and shea butters to it which is what? Yes, that's right GREAT for your skin! Plus with ours being from natural wax's and butters It's fantastic for your skin. So go ahead give us a try! Ours not only has enough smell to fill a house but it has an even higher purpose!

 Now my question is, can the others say that??? I didn't think so... So get your melts TODAY!

Red Dirt Soap Company    
Rt 1 Box 159 Delaware, OK 74027 US
Phone: 918-559-9186 Website:

Friday, February 15, 2013

The pets matter too!

Ok, we all know that flea and tick season is just around the corner. And if your dog is like mine then the allergies from the grass will make things even worse. Well with my bull dog she had to have allergy shots every month plus the special shampoo. And the cost was silly. Plus they explained to us that if we breed her that we could not use the shampoo during her pregnancy or while the babies were nursing. So my thought was "what in the world is in the shampoo". After hearing all of that my husband and I decided to develop our own pet shampoo that would take care of the allergies as well as the fleas and ticks. And we have done just that. Red Dirt Soap pet shampoo will not only help with the fleas, ticks, and allergies but also hot spots and make their coat shinny and oh so soft. And best yet because it is 100% natural it is safe for any age of dog. And nursing mothers.

Red Dirt Soap Company
Rt 1 Box 159 Delaware, OK 74027 US
Phone: 918-559-9186 Website:

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Are you putting yourself or your family at risk?

Today, I am going to write about how important it is to have good skin care. It is not only important it is vital! Think about it for a minute... When your skin feels dry, itchy, bumpy, irritate you pretty much feel that way all over right? I just kind of puts you in a 100% uncomfortable state right? Well the same go's for when your skin looks and feels good, soft, & silky; you feel FANTASTIC! That is because when you skin is uncomfortable so are you. Why? well their is many reasons, first our skin is kind of attached to nerves that tells our body how we fell. Second is because if we like it or not fact is appearance matters! Fact is that even though we say "I don't care what you look like" we do care. Some is for selfishness but some is also because we all know "if we look good we feel good" It's a proven fact!

My Momma use to always tell me "take care of your appearance, because as a lady sometimes that all you have" very wise women. And even though she always took care of herself. I don't remember every seeing her "tan" or anything like that. I lost her on December 16, 2012 to basal cell carcinoma. It started as a little sore on her eye lid back in 2002. She was the strongest, most amazing women I have ever met and I miss her every second of every day. She was not only my Mom, but she was my best friend, my hero. And she is the reason why I have dedicated my life to helping people understand the value of their skin. I took care of her and was by her side until the day she went home. It was the hardest thing in the world I have ever done. She wanted to stay home, she was done with Doctors and hospitals, and wanted to go in peace. And with God's grace and strength in helping me she did.

So you see their is way more to skin care than just "the smell" or "the price" there is so many chemicals is that stuff you buy at the store. Please please take care of yourselves and your loved ones. Be careful on what you buy.

I would like to give you this offer. This picture offers 30% off store wide on our website. Use it, try Red Dirt Soap products. Do your own research. It is a gift from us to you.

As always thank you for reading and have a Blessed Day!

Red Dirt Soap Company
Rt 1 Box 159 Delaware, OK 74027 US
Phone: 918-559-9186 Website:

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Oh the softness of lotions

Oh we all love how soft our skin feels after applying lotion. But have you ever looked at what is in this magic bottle of moisture? Lets take a look at a few of them.

This time we are going to start off with Red Dirt Soap Company lotion. Seeing as how in my eyes it is the best. Our Ingredients: castor oil, jojoba oil, olive oil, Shea butter, coconut oil, avocado oil, grape seed oil, sweet almond oil, cocoa butter, wheat germ, apricot kernel oil, palm oil, distilled water, essential oil. Now don't that sound sweet and harmonizing to the skin? The biggest difference between ours and most others is this. Its not greasy, it absorbs through every layer of skin to not just smooth but heal, it takes a very little bit, and its safe for everyone! We offer 10 different fragrances to choose from.

One that I for years believed the advertisement on was Aveeno. You know they always market themselves as being Naturals. Well, I believed it until I started looking up what some ingredients were. Here is their ingredients: (Water, Glycerin, Petrolatum, Mineral Oil, Cetearyl Alcohol, Dimethicone, Avena Sativa (Oat) Kernel Flour (Oat), Carbomer, Sodium Hydroxide, Ceteareth 6, Hydrolyzed Milk Protein, Hydrolyzed Oats, Hydrolyzed Soy Protein, PEG 25 Soy Sterol, Tetrasodium EDTA, Methylparaben, Citric Acid, Sodium Citrate, Benzalkonium Chloride Solution, Benzaldehyde, Butylene Glycol, Butylparaben, Ethylparaben, Ethyl Alcohol, Isobutylparaben, Phenoxyethanol, Propylparaben, Stearyl Alcohol.) Don't seem to natural to me.

And everyone has used Johnson & Johnson Baby Lotion at some point. Well let me just say this before posting the ingredients. When a large company like them is being questioned about a product they have advertised for years for babies on the fact that it has dangerous chemicals in it. THERES A PROBLEM! The Article Now for the ingredients: Water, Propylene Glycol, Myristyl Myristate, Glyceryl Stearate, Stearic Acid, Oleic Acid, Polysorbate 61, Dimethicone, Isopropyl Palmitate, Sorbitan Stearate, Cetyl Alcohol, Stearyl Alcohol, Synthetic Bees Wax, Carbomer, Benzyl Alcohol, Fragrance, Methylparaben, Propylparaben, Butylparaben, Aloe Vera Extract, Tocopherol Acetate (Vitamin E Acetate)

Another "biggie" on the market is Lubriderm. Ingredients are: water, mineral oil, glycerin, caprylic/capric triglyceride, cetyl alcohol, panthanol, cetearyl alcohol, phenoxyethanol, stearic acid, dimethicone, carbomer, ceteareth-20, sodium hydroxide, sodium citrate, methylparaben, propylparaben, fragrance, citric acid. ethylparaben.
 And how about Berts Bees? Well lets just see. Ingredients: Ingredients: aqua (water, eau), glycerin, helianthus annuus (sunflower) seed oil, cocos nucifera (coconut) oil, caprylic/capric triglyceride, adansonia digitata oil*, cetyl alcohol, butyrospermum parkii (shea) butter, glyceryl stearate citrate, ricinus communis (castor) seed oil, cucurbita pepo (pumpkin) seed oil, buddleja davidii leaf extract, bisabolol, cera alba (beeswax, cire d’abeille), camellia sinensis leaf extract, aniba rosaeodora (rosewood) wood extract, artemisia umbelliformis extract, citrus aurantium bergamia (bergamot) fruit extract, coriandrum sativum (coriander) fruit/leaf extract, jasminum officinale (jasmine) flower/leaf extract, lavandula angustifolia (lavender) flower/leaf/stem extract, cupressus sempervirens leaf/stem extract, fucus vesiculosus extract, peucedanum ostruthium leaf extract, prunus persica (peach) fruit extract, rose extract, rosmarinus officinalis (rosemary) leaf extract, vanilla planifolia fruit extract, aloe barbadensis leaf juice, tocopherol, saccharomyces ferment, hydrogenated castor oil, citric acid, lactic acid, xanthan gum, sucrose stearate, arginine, biosaccharide gum-1, glyceryl caprylate, glycine soja (soybean) oil, magnesium aluminum silicate, polyglyceryl-3 stearate, phenoxyethanol, potassium sorbate, sodium anisate, sodium benzoate, sodium levulinate, sodium stearoyl lactylate.

Now with all that being said here is some facts. Mineral Oil and Petroleum are not natural. BUT because they are "delivered by nature" it is another loop hole marketing departments get paid big bucks to use to fool people. And the way I see it is this as far as that is concerned crude oil is natural BUT would you put that on your skin? And the sun is "natural" but it still causes cancer.

You can research many of these lotions or ingredients yourselves and see how dangerous they can be for you and your family. I don't expect you to take my word for it. Please check out your skin care products. And if you have any questions on anything please ask. If I don't know I will find out for you.

Thank you for reading and Have a Blessed Day!
Red Dirt Soap Company
Rt 1 Box 159 Delaware, OK 74027 US
Phone: 918-559-9186 Website:

Monday, February 11, 2013

What are YOU putting on your hair?

Maybe Tresemme? Well here is what you are using.. Ingredients: Water (Aqua, Eau), stearyl alcohol, cetyl alcohol, caprylic/capric triglyceride, stearamidopropyl dimethylamine, fragrance (parfum), lauroyl lysine, caprylyl glycol, brassica campestris/aleurites fordi oil copolymer, aspartic acid, distearyldimonium chloride, persea gratissima (avocado) oil, citric acid, alcohol, isopropyl alcohol, aloe barbadensis leaf juice.

Or Maybe Aussie? If so this is what you are using: Water , Stearyl Alcohol, Cetyl Alcohol, Stearamidopropyl Dimethylamine, Glutamic Acid, Fragrance, BIS, Aminopropyl Dimethicone, Benzyl Alcohol, EDTA, Ecklonia Radiata Extract (Australian Sea Kelp), Simmondsia Chinensis Seed Oil (Jojoba), Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Juice Extract, Methylchloroisothiazolinone, Methylisothiazolinone

Oh I bet it's Pantene? Well Check this out! Water, Ammonium Laureth Sulfate, Ammonium Lauryl Sulfate, Sodium Chloride, Dimethicone, Glycol Distearate, Cetyl Alcohol, Cocamide MEA, Panthenol, Panthenyl Ethyl Ether, Lysine HCl, Methyl Tyrosinate HCl, Histidine, Fragrance, Polyquaternium 10, Sodium Citrate, Hydrogenated Polydecene, Sodium Benzoate, Disodium EDTA, Trimethylolpropane Tricaprylate/Tricaprate, Citric Acid, Ammonium Xylenesulfonate, Methylchloroisothiazolinone, Methylisothiazolinone

Hey what about Aveeno? Its good right? Well lets just see... Water, Ammonium Lauryl Sulfate, Dimethicone, Sodium Cumenesulfonate, Cocamide MEA, Cetearyl Alcohol, Acrylates Copolymer, Cocamidopropyl Betainamide, Fragance, Phenoxyethanol, Capryl Glycol, Glycol Distearate, Tetrasodium EDTA, Guar Hydroxypropyltrimonium Chloride, Guar Hydroxypropyltrimonium Chloride Gluten, Orbignya Speciosa Kernel Oil, Glycerin, Mauritia Flexuosa Fruit Oil, Mica, Titanium Dioxide, May also contain: Citric Acid, Sodium Hydroxide This product also contains Wheat Protein

WOW! Now that's amazing! And to think you are putting that on your hair. Well let me tell you with Red Dirt Soap Company Hair Care Products you will get NONE of that stuff but what you will get is natural, safe, moisturizing oils, deep gentle cleaning, and hair like you have never had before.

So what does ours have you ask? Well our shampoo contains: Ingredients: distilled water, apricot kernel oil, avacodo oil, castor oil, coconut oil, grapeseed oil, jojoba oil, olive oil, Phytokeratin (natural vegetable delivered keratin), palm oil, palm kernel oil, wheat germ oil, essential oils. And our conditioner contains: Ingredients: distilled water, avocado oil, apricot kernel oil, castor oil, coconut oil, cocoa butter, jojoba oil, olive oil, Phytokeratin (natural vegetable delivered keratin), shea butter, grape seed oil, sweet almond oil, wheat germ oil, distilled water, essential oils. YES, that's it! That's all ours has! NO CHEMICALS! NO ALCOHOLS! NO SULFATES! NO CLORIDES! NOTHING NASTY TO HURT YOUR HAIR!

Now the question is, what would you rather use on your hair? Harmful chemicals? or Natural Plant Oils? The choice is yours... And when your ready to be good to your hair we will be here making a batch up just for you! visit

Red Dirt Soap Company
Rt 1 Box 159 Delaware, OK 74027 US
Phone: 918-559-9186 Website:


Sunday, February 10, 2013

Natural Skincare Treatments for Embarrassing Skin Problems

In the world today 89% of us have embarrassing skin problems of some kind. It may be excessively dry skin, acne, eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, vitiligo, rosacea, and many more. The pharmaceutical companies have developed many medications for most of these skin problems. Personally I think there is a problem with their for of treatment. Most of the prescription treatments can cause severe damage to important organs in the body such as liver, kidneys, blood and more. Now where I am confuse is this, why in the world would anyone want to risk their life with medications that could potentially kill them to clear up their skin? We unfortunately the biggest reason is because society looks at the outer part of a person instead of the inter. In general we look at "how someone presents themselves physically" instead of looking deeper into the heart and mind. So to get excepted by society we jeopardies our health by using treatments that could potentially kill us.

Now some of you may be saying oh well I don't use any prescription medications I just use lotions and creams from the store. But did you know that most of them first of all are 70% or more alcohol? Now how is that good for your skin? Well it's not. And to top it off of that remaining 30% about 25% of it is chemicals. Many of which can cause cancer, or liver problems and more just the same. What I am saying is when you read a bottle from the store that says it contains "shea butter, cocoa butter, avocado, jojoba, etc" It only has MAYBE 5% of them.

Now the difference between all of these and natural plant oil products such as what Red Dirt Soap makes is simple. First of all Red Dirt Soap products are 100% natural plant oils. Ok, now you may be saying so? Well the biggest reason why this is important is this, plant oils is the closest you can get to the oils from your skin. Natural plant oils will actually absorb through every layer of skin to truly heal the problem not just mask the problem. Now please understand, most skin problems their is no "cure" for them. BUT with using our products regularly know one will ever know you have them. We have many products for problem skin in our Skin Treatment Section as well as our Facial Products. And as always if you don't know what to get please don't hesitate to ask. We are here to help you in anyway we can. We have helped many with their skincare problems. And we want to help you. We believe God as put everything on earth we could ever possibly need. We just have to use the knowledge he gave us to find it. We carry everything from the mildest soap, problem skin treatments, lotion, hair care, and more.
Red Dirt Soap Company
Rt 1 Box 159 Delaware, OK 74027 US
Phone: 918-559-9186 Website:

Friday, February 8, 2013

The Shocking Truth about anti-aging treatments

Ok, Everyone wants to look younger, right? everyone already knows collagen is what gives your skin the elasticity. And everyone know many things reduces your collagen in your skin. Like age, smoking, lack of moisture, polluted air, sun, improper diet and the list go's on and on. But what many don't know is that your skin can NOT absorb collagen. The fact is that collagen is a protein found IN your skin and even IF your body could absorb it there would be no benefit of it. Say, for a moment, however, that collagen did have some beneficial properties when applied topically to the skin. It would then be important to note the type of collagen that is used. Most collagen found on ingredient lists is referred to as “soluble collagen.”  This means the manufacturer has actually cut the molecule into tiny pieces. Therefore, even if they were beneficial, you aren’t getting true collagen products - only pieces of these proteins. Which in turn means all the money you are spending on these "miracle creams are a waist. You might as well have taken that money and thrown it up into the wind and walked away. Don't worry I've done it to just as most of you did. But the scary part is that just last night I was reading an article where Oprah was endorsing a product that contained "human foreskin"! Needless to say I was sure glad to see I never used that product. It was Skin Medica. But it sure made me think about all the other stuff that I have tried and what might have been in it. Which is exactly why we do what we do now.

FACTS: Collagen is the protective fiber that serves as the connective tissue in the body. Made of protein, collagen contains large amount of two amino acids. Hydroxyproline and hydroxylysine provide collagen with the flexibility and strength to hold tissue and organs together, expand with growth and repair damaged cells. With age, sunlight and free radical exposure, collagen in the skin loses its elasticity and produces new cells at a much lower rate.
Now here is some keys to Restoring the Collagen in your skin.
  • Eat foods high in vitamin C to provide your body with the tools to turn proline and lysine into collagen. The most effective sources of vitamin C include most fruits and vegetables. Particularly effective sources include broccoli, strawberries, tomatoes, blueberries and leafy greens.
  • Include lean meats, egg whites and wheat germ in your diet to supply your body with sufficient amounts of lysine and proline needed to restore collagen, peanuts are another effective source of the amino acids that make up the structure of collagen.
  • Apply creams like Red Dirt Soap Rejuvenating Cream on your skin that contain tea extracts. Oolong, green and black teas contain anti-inflammatory ingredients and antioxidants that can restore collagen and temporarily reduce the appearance of wrinkles.
  • Add garlic to your diet to support collagen production. Garlic contains taurine and lipoid acid, amino acids that contain sulpher, known to help slow down the damage done to collagen.
  • Use foods high in phytonutrients to complete your collagen diet. Anthocyanidins found in fruits such as blueberries, cherries, raspberries and blackberries, has been found to strengthen the collagen fibers to maintain firmer and healthier skin tone.
Red Dirt Soap Company has some of the most amazing products in their facial treatments. For instance the Exfoliating Mask has green tea, horsetail herbs in them. As well has raw honey, jojoba oil and a light exfoliation. Facial Scrub is kelp, soy milk powder, olive oil, jojoba oil, apricot kernel oil, and oatmeal. Youth In a Bottle is packed full of 97% essential oils with 3% light carrier oil to deeply clean and tighten your pores. The Rejuvenating Cream green tea, apricot kernel oil and many essential oils. As with all our products they are 100% pure natural plant oils and herbs.

Red Dirt Soap Company
Rt 1 Box 159 Delaware, OK 74027 US
Phone: 918-559-9186 Website:

Thursday, February 7, 2013

How to Rid yourself of the Pain and RELAX Naturally

Well we all know that everyone has "pain" of some sort at some time. Statistics show that 9 out of 10 Americans suffer from some type of pain every single day. It may be just a soreness of some kind from over activity, or it may be more serious like back pain from injury. Do you know about 80% of Americans have back pain? WOW! That's a large percentage. Then, we have the headaches, Oh the headaches, from the mild stress headaches to the blinding migraines. Of course there is always the wonderful injuries... And most of which happened while "having fun" that ends up being not quite so much fun. You know the kind, the ones when after the injury occurs and you all the sudden hear the memory of your Mom saying "It's all fun until someone gets hurt". Yea, I know... I think we have all been there. Where it seemed like a good idea at the time. And then we have the wonderful arthritis that we wake up one day and all of the sudden feel like we have been hit by a mac truck. OH the wonders of growing old.

But what IF I told you we have a product that has been working on all of these pains and best of all it is COMPLETELY NATURAL? No dangerous side effects that will only end up causing more problems in the long run.

With Pain - B - Gone you can finally have relief that you can feel good about. You don't have to worry about being on some type of drug that makes you sleepy, or effects your train of thought, or even worse is killing other organs in your body.

We have had the most outstanding feedback on this product. Here is some of the satisfied customers.

                           I have had pain in my hip for several weeks used pain g gone and pain was gone! Also used it on ankle same results great stuff

                           I was in a car wreck back in 2000  i have a very bad hip due to it  they told me i would have to have surgery b the time i was 22  i am now 29 and the hip joint is still not the best but good enough to not have surgery at my age!!  If i step wrong the hip will pop out very badly and bruise my whole right side and my lower back.  I got my sample in the mail and had my husband put it on me the other night and it was great way better then your regular Ben gay  icy hot  etc   it is a product i need to order for myself and my family   it is a Must have
                           Used the rub on the lower back and hip area for muscle pain and worse than usual arthritic pain.  I was greatly impressed how quickly the pain went away, and the slight warming effect was nice.  The smell is pleasant, kind of reminded me of sarsaparilla.  Didn't take a lot either.  

                            pain b gone works great, I used it on my feet, by the end of the day it's hard to walk cause the pain is so bad. Tonight I could walk pain free, only thing is the smell is kinda strong and would be easier to put on as a creamier base to it.

                           I received a free sample of this from Red Dirt Soap to try. I used a small amount on my shoulder that was killing me tonight. Oh my! In less than ten minutes, the pain was completely gone! Great product! Thanks, Doug & Melinda!

Red Dirt Soap Company
Rt 1 Box 159 Delaware, OK 74027 US
Phone: 918-559-9186 Website:

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

The TRUTH about anti aging products!

First of all my biggest concern if for you to all beware that there is many companies out there that claim to have natural products that are good for your skin that put either chemicals, manmade ingredients, and even alcohol into their product. Now, keep in mind yes, there is "natural" alcohol out there. They are referred to as "pure grain alcohol". But they are still very drying and harmful to your skin. For instance, moonshine is "natural" BUT the question is would you want to put it on your skin? The integrity of these companies are in question (to me anyway) because if they are going to widen their "natural" concept then crude oil is natural. It comes from a natural source... BUT would you put crude oil on your skin? You have to be careful of what people refer to as natural.

This is why at Red Dirt Soap we explain ours as natural plan oils, natural vegetable oils, natural essential oils. This is also why we tell you what is in our products by the actual name of it NOT the scientific name. For instance we use coconut oil not Cocos nucifera (scientific name). We want you to know without a doubt what you are putting on your skin. We do NOT want you to have to run to your computer every time you get something to look up all the ingredients to see what it really is. Because for me personally my whole life I have never understood that concept. And it has always made me wonder if it wasn't because that way they can hide the "non-natural" junk easier. I mean really, think about it. Then you have your companies that will put Cocos nucifera (coconut oil), and some others in their ingredients some will have to common name some wont. We from all the ones I have researched I have discovered that some of them will be natural BUT some wont OR they will be "from a natural source" but chemically delivered. And personally I think they do this because they know that "the consumer" in general will not take the time to look up every single ingredient in the product. If the bottle say its natural it must be right? WRONG!!!

We spend hours a day researching our ingredients before we every decide to put them into our products. We research the benefits, as well as how they are extracted. We also research what region gives what benefits. Yes, that is right. And I will explain what that means. If I grow rosemary in my yard it will not have the same natural beneficial properties as that grown in Spain. The reason for this is because the dirt is different, the climate is different, the air is different, the weather is different. So there for making the beneficial properties different.

Now for the other reason for you to beware. I have discovered a couple of places that are claiming to be or have "red dirt soap" THEY ARE NOT US! BUYERS BEWARE! We are in the process of taking care of them as we speak. BUT if you don't see our logo on the product somewhere it is NOT us.

Red Dirt Soap Company
Rt 1 Box 159 Delaware, OK 74027 US
Phone: 918-559-9186 Website:

Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Be sure to check out some of our testimonies on our Informational Red Dirt Soap site Also on Facebook and follow us on Twitter But also here is another testimony blog From Home Made Ranch.

The Amazing Feel of Natural Liquid Soap

Lets discuss liquid soap/shower gel (or many other names they may call it). There are many liquid soaps out there. Several that claim to be natural but aren't. Many of them look nice and clear, and most people may think oh it must be natural because its so clear. On the contrary that doesn't make it natural IN FACT most of the time to get them so clear they use a chemical to clear up the "hard fats". Red Dirt Soap Natural Liquid Soap on the other hand is almost never clear. The 2 biggest reasons for this is because we add graded bar soap (one of our own bars) and the other is because we do not add any chemicals to ours to make the clear or stable. We choose to use the bar to stabilize the liquid soap instead. Red Dirt Soap liquid soap is not only not drying but extremely moisturizing for the skin. Best of all with using our natural products you wont have to clean your shower as often due to the fact they rinse clean. No soap scum! You see here at Red Dirt Soap we pride ourselves on the highest quality of products we can make. We provide a full line of skin care products for the whole family.

Our Ingredients include: coconut oil, olive oil, palm oil, palm kernel oil, avocado oil, potassium hydroxide (lye), distilled water, aloe, essential oils, our graded bar soap. That's it, nothing more, nothing less. We only use 100% pure organic oils in our products and our liquid soap is no exception.

Now to give you an idea on the process of making our soap.  As with all our products we do not cook our oils at high temps to produce a quicker product due to the fact that when oils are cooked at high temps it breaks down the properties and this caused them to loose there beneficial properties. So to avoid loosing the benefits of the oils we always heat at low temps. Once we make the soap paste we dilute with water until its at the correct thickness (usually take 4-5 days), add our shavings and essential oils then let it set for about another week or so before we bottle.

Red Dirt Soap Company
Rt 1 Box 159 Delaware, OK 74027 US
Phone: 918-559-9186 Website:

hiking in stilettos: Red Dirt Soap Company

hiking in stilettos: Red Dirt Soap Company Come on over and check out all the wonderful products we have to offer at

Red Dirt Soap Oils and Their Benefits

                                                    Red Dirt Soap Oils and Their Benefits

Apricot Kernel Oil: Organic apricot kernel oil is rich in gamma linoleic acid, or GLA, which comes from essential fatty acid omega-6. The GLA content in apricot kernel oil helps skin to maintain moisture balance. GLA also plays a role in firming and toning your skin, according to Close. Additionally, organic apricot kernel oil contains vitamin A and E, which soothe the skin and slow signs of aging. The nourishing properties of apricot kernel seed oil have an anti-inflammatory effect and may soothe minor skin conditions such as eczema. Consult your doctor about your skin conditions before using apricot kernel oil. Choose apricot kernel oil to moisturize balanced skin, oily skin and hormone reactive skin. The light texture of apricot kernel oil makes it useful in face serums, or mixtures of oils used to moisturize the face. According to Close, apricot kernel oil is especially useful for oily complexions. Apricot kernel oil is light enough that it does not leave a greasy coat on your skin after use. Though apricot kernel oil is most useful for oily complexions, it is gentle enough to use on any skin type. Apricot kernel oil will also help rehydrate dry skin.
 Coconut Oil: Choose coconut oil to moisturize balanced skin, oily skin and hormone reactive skin. The light texture of apricot kernel oil makes it useful in face serums, or mixtures of oils used to moisturize the face. According to Close, apricot kernel oil is especially useful for oily complexions. Apricot kernel oil is light enough that it does not leave a greasy coat on your skin after use. Though coconut oil is most useful for oily complexions, it is gentle enough to use on any skin type. Apricot kernel oil will also help rehydrate dry skin. Choose coconut oil to moisturize balanced skin, oily skin and hormone reactive skin. The light texture of apricot kernel oil makes it useful in face serums, or mixtures of oils used to moisturize the face. According to Close, apricot kernel oil is especially useful for oily complexions. Coconut oil is light enough that it does not leave a greasy coat on your skin after use. Though coconut oil is most useful for oily complexions, it is gentle enough to use on any skin type. Coconut oil will also help rehydrate dry skin.
Olive Oil: Olive oil makes for a gentle moisturizer for dry skin, notes The Daily Green, a website for organic life solutions. You can apply it directly to the skin with a cotton ball or add a few drops to your favorite moisturizer to amp up its effectiveness. Olive oil has the same healthy fats as avocado, which plumps and moisturizes the skin with a combination of vitamin E and vitamin A. Dry, itchy and inflamed skin is usually the sign of skin irritations such as eczema and psoriasis. People with these conditions learn to live with their itchy and uncomfortable skin or they turn to prescription creams and home remedies. Olive oil can relieve some of the discomfort and irritation associated with these skin conditions. Free radicals, sun and pollution can all take a toll on your skin. A study performed by dermatologist Leslie Baumann that was published in a 2007 issue of "The Journal of Pathology" found that vitamin E was successful in fighting free radicals, photo aging and damage to maintain younger looking skin. Olive oil can be applied directly to aging and damaged skin to help maintain a youthful appearance and reduce the toll free radicals takes on your skin.
 Jojoba Oil: Jojoba oil boasts antimicrobial properties---discouraging the growth of bacteria and other microbes that attack the skin. Research is not conclusive, but it is believed that jojoba oil matches the makeup of human skin's natural sebum, which makes it easily absorbed and tolerable to even those with sensitive skin. Although jojoba oil is a moisturizer, it also prevents overproduction of oil by the skin, making it an effective acne treatment. Because jojoba oil is really a wax, it lasts all day and does not evaporate like water or oil-based moisturizers. It also works well as a massage oil because it dilutes intense essential oils while providing lubrication and moisture. Jojoba oil helps relieve numerous skin conditions. Used alone, or added to other ingredients, jojoba oil makes a great moisturizer and lip balm. It is used to treat acne, athlete's foot, warts and canker sores. Jojoba oil benefits hair when added to shampoos and conditioners, and it soothes and helps heal skin affected by rashes, rosacea and eczema. The gentleness of the oil makes it a moisture-rich makeup remover. It also has industrial applications and is added to waxes and lubricants used on cars, airplanes and other machinery. Research into using it as an alternative fuel source is also under way. Avocado Oil:  Vitamin E is known to be a powerful antioxidant, "mopping up" free radicals, as well as helpful in decelerating signs of aging. According to the UCLA Center for Human Nutrition in California, compared to other fruits, avocados have the highest Vitamin E content. Avocado oil's powerful antioxidant property protects circulating white blood cells, helping to keep the skin from oxidizing while it permeates through the cell wall. The benefits of avocado oil can be obtained naturally, either cold pressed in liquid for or from the fruit itself (minus the pit and the avocado skin). Slice open a ripe avocado and rub the pulp directly on skin in areas where needed. When trying anything new, always be cautious and aware of any adverse allergic reaction. Consult a qualified health care professional when using avocado oil for any specific health or skin condition.
Grape Seed Oil: Grape seed oil works for most skin types, including sensitive, dry, normal and combination., However, it is not recommended for oily skin, according to Nerys Purchon in her book "The Essential Natural Health Bible." If you have oily skin, try soybean oil instead. Grape seed oil is also often used for allergic people, because it hasn't caused many allergic reactions in sensitive people. Because of this, it is often added to hypoallergenic products. Grape seed oil contains antioxidants, which fight free radicals thought to be responsible for a number of diseases. The antioxidants in grape seed oil are associated with improving aging skin by protecting the elastin and collagen in it, although there is not enough research to back up these claims. You ingest the oil for this benefit, but talk to your doctor first if you are on blood thinning medication. The flavonoids, resveratrol and anthocyanins in grape seeds are phytonutrients, or nutrients from plants, which when ingested, provide anti-inflammatory, anti-aging and antimicrobial properties, notes a 2010 study in the "International Journal of Molecular Sciences." All of these properties might affect the health of the skin, although more research is needed to determine the possible benefits of grape seed oil for the skin. The seeds of grapes have more phenolic compounds than the flesh, skin and leaves of the grape.
Sweet Almond Oil: There are numerous benefits for sweet almond oil. It contains vitamin E in abundance. Vitamin E also known as the food for our skin. Vitamin E is protects our skin from damaging ultraviolet lights. It prevents cell damage and also fights with some skin disorders. Some studies have shown that vitamin E is helpful to reduce stress. Sweet almond oil has refreshing fragrance which has positive impacts on your senses. One research has shown that vitamin E prevents some heart ailments. Using almond oil on daily basis can provide you with lot of vitamin. Also its nourishing nature and great emollient properties makes it excellent choice for the people with dry skin. The dry skin tends to crack easily specially in the winter or when the weather is dry due to it has less moisturizer. The moisturizer in sweet almond oil not only address this issue of dry skin but it also keeps the PH of the skin at normal level. Due to its superb texture it not only easily absorb in the skin but it help to maintain the tone of the skin. Because of its various antioxidants and anti-aging properties, you can use almonds to reduce wrinkles and fine lines in your face. It can be done by massaging your face regularly with almonds oil. When you apply regular massage with this oil, you will have remarkable glowing and radiant complexions that will make you look younger than your age. There are other almonds skin benefits to prevent aging such as reduce black circles around eyes and revitalize your skin.
 Castor Oil: Castor oil is obtained from the seeds of the castor oil plant, and has plenty of health benefits. Its remarkable healing abilities can treat a variety of conditions naturally. This unique substance has been thoroughly investigated for its medicinal use and is recommended for the treatment of gastrointestinal problems like dysentery and constipation. More importantly, it is a popular healing agent for various skin problems. Using castor oil is one of the best ways to maintain the beauty of the skin for years to come. Applying it on a regular basis is an easy way to prevent appearance of wrinkles that occur with age. Jam packed with skin friendly ingredients, castor oil can certainly help to increase the lifespan of your youthful skin. Castor oil is an excellent source of essential nutrients such as vitamin E, antioxidants and minerals that boost skin health. Critics argue that usage of castor oil for people following a healthy diet is absolutely unnecessary. Yes, agreed all these nutrients are abundantly found in healthy meals. However, only a small amount of nutrients from food are absorbed by the skin. Hence, externally application of natural moisturizers such as castor oil that nourish the skin from within is recommended.
Wheat Germ: Wheat Germ Oil is widely used as both a cosmetic ingredient and as a dietary supplement. It is naturally rich in Vitamins A, D, and E, and also contains Vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, F, Essential Fatty Acids, protein, and minerals. Because of its anti-oxidant and regenerative properties, Wheat Germ Oil is a wonderful ingredient to add to bodycare and cosmetic products. Wheat Germ Oil contains high levels of Vitamin E Oil, as well as other vitamins, minerals, protein, and Essential Fatty Acids. Essential Fatty Acids support physiological functions, and are essential for the health of our organs and overall health. They cannot be produced by our own bodies, and instead must be obtained from dietary sources. Wheat Germ Oil contains linoleic, oleic, palmitic, and stearic fatty acids. These are needed for our cardiovascular, immune, nervous, reproductive systems, and to maintain healthy cells and body functions. The Vitamin E Oil present in Wheat Germ Oil promotes skin cell formation, and is great for nourishing and rejuvenating dry, mature, dehydrated skin, and reducing scars, stretch marks, sunburns, and damaged skin. It has anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant effects, which may be beneficial medicinally as well as in cosmetics. The high Vitamin E content in Wheat Germ Oil is a natural preservative, helps to prevent rancidity, and prolongs the shelf life of cosmetic products.
Shea Butter: Shea butter can benefit your hair and scalp in numerous ways. Not quite sure what it is? Also known as karite butter, shea butter is a cream-colored fatty substance made from the nuts of karite trees that grow in the savannah regions of West and Central Africa. Karite trees, or shea trees, grow only in the wild, take up to 50 years to mature, and live up to 300 years. The trees need tender loving care, and their cultivation, along with the manufacture and distribution of shea butter, is an enormous undertaking in Africa, where shea butter is sometimes referred to as women’s gold because so many women are employed in its production. Shea butter is in high demand because it has many healing properties — it's used to cool burns, soothe sores, fade scars, lighten stretch marks, and help cure skin conditions such as dermatitis, psoriasis, and dandruff. It may also help diminish wrinkles by moisturizing the skin, promoting cell renewal, and increasing circulation. An effective moisturizer, shea butter is rich in fatty acids, which help skin retain its moisture and elasticity. Because of this, shea butter is a key ingredient in many cosmetic and hair care products. Does shea butter work magic on your hair and scalp? Maybe. Here are some of its chief benefits: Shea butter provides moisture to dry and damaged hair from the roots to the tips, leaving it healthy and shiny. Because it's rich in vitamins A and E, shea butter soothes dryness, repairs breakage, and mends split ends. Shea butter absorbs quickly and completely into the scalp without clogging pores, leaving a greasy residue, or causing a buildup of oil or dandruff. Shea butter helps heal a variety of scalp problems, including dry scalp, psoriasis, eczema, and dermatitis. Shea butter protects hair from weather damage caused by wind, humidity, and extreme dryness, and repairs such damage. Because it's rich in moisture and can shield against harmful ultraviolet radiation, shea butter protects hair from sun damage. If your hair has endured chemical treatments, hot irons, and blow-dryers, shea butter can restore its moisture and vitality.
Cocoa Butter: Cocoa butter penetrates the top layer of the skin called the epidermis. The cocoa butter can also reach the dermis, the middle layer. Cocoa butter is made from the vegetable fat of the cocoa bean. It is very effective for lubricating dry skin. This natural moisturizer also softens the skin. Herbal Luxuries writes that "cocoa butter is an excellent emollient that is well absorbed by the skin. Its incredibly high content of vitamin E is responsible for its beneficial properties." Vitamin E is proven to help with skin renewal and repair. Cocoa butter is also an antioxidant. Antioxidants protect the skin from free radicals or toxins that damage tissues at the cellular level. The antioxidant property also provides a natural preservative so cocoa butter lasts for a long time. Cocoa butter is available in a few forms--creams, lotions and sticks. Cocoa butter is frequently recommended for eliminating stretch marks and other scars. Many people believe that cocoa butter has helped to reduce their scars. Even plastic surgeons have advised their patients to use cocoa butter on surgical scars. But there is no medical evidence that proves cocoa butter helps with scar tissue. A research study at the American University of Beirut Medical Center in Lebanon concluded, "Topical application of a lotion containing cocoa butter does not appear to reduce the likelihood of developing striae gravidarum (stretch marks.)" But there is plenty of anecdotal evidence that cocoa butter helps with scars. Many people see improvement in scars after applying the cocoa butter a few times each day. This natural product has a smooth texture so it is easy to apply and use.
Soybean Oil: Soybean Oilis  considered most nutritious and  helps in improving our internal system including  hair and skin. Soyabean has incredible benefit which  improves the quality of the skin.Soybean is an incredible source of vitamins, minerals, proteins and when a protein rich emollient is produced from a product it is called as soybean oil. Because of air pollution, poor diet combined with harmful UV rays from sunlight most people find their skin dull by the mid 30′s .This is when soybean oil comes in.Soybean oil helps in restoring the luster and impart glow to the skin.It helps in healing the damage that is done to the skin by pollution or sun exposure. Soyabean oil contains specific antioxidants which helps in maintaining the skin health and gives the special glow to the face.Antioxidant such as vitamin E and Vitamin B complex prevents the development of appearance of wrinkles. Also, by eating soyabean based products one can protect the skin and maintain skin’s good health.Soybean oil helps in develop more glowing skin and brighter skin but even out the skin tone and improve skin texture as well.
Palm Oil: Palm oil is rich in antioxidants such as vitamin A, and E. Dr. Betty Kamen recommends palm oil because of its high concentrations of vitamin E to protect skin cells and improve overall health . She holds a Ph.D. with graduate degrees in psychology and nutrition. Dr. Kamen also says that palm oil contains vitamins D and K, which are not present in other oils. The rich nutrient content in palm oil makes it ideal for your hair and skin. The moisture content in palm oil is very beneficial for hair and skin. This oil contains lipids and saturated fats that feed the hair shaft, eliminating dryness. Palm oil can be a deep hair-conditioning treatment . Simply apply palm oil to wet hair and put on a shower cap. Rinse after 30 minutes or sleep with the treatment on overnight. The moisture beads in palm oil will improve the texture and quality of your hair by making your locks soft and manageable. Palm oil can also be a moisturizer for your skin. Your skin absorbs everything you put on it, and palm oil is a natural substitute for a chemical-based moisturizer. After cleansing, simply rub palm oil on your face and body in circular motions. The oil is lightweight and will not clog pores. Palm oil contains natural antibacterials that fight acne bacteria. Using palm oil on your skin can help maintain moisturized, yet clear skin. Dryness can actually cause the skin to become irritated and sensitive, which can lead to acne. Palm oil is beneficial if you have a cut or scrape on your skin, because the oil will kill germs. This antibacterial oil is also good for your hair and scalp because it can prevent scalp acne and dry scalp. Palm oil is rich in vital nutrients. These vitamins are essential for healthy hair and skin. Vitamins A and E are free radical neutralizers. Free radicals are unpaired molecules in the body that cause destruction of your cells. These vitamins fight free radicals, helping to protect and preserve your cells, resulting in healthier hair and skin. When hair is lacking nutrition, you will have dry, brittle hair.
Palm Kernel Oil: Palm oil is the largest natural source of tocotrienol, part of the vitamin E family. Palm oil is also high in vitamin K and dietary magnesium. Palm Kernel Oil is very similar in structure to Coconut Oil and Babassu Oil. Many Soap Makers will use Palm Kernel Oil instead of Coconut Oil, if they find the Coconut Oil to be drying on their skin type. Palm Kernel Oil is high in lauric acid and produces a cleansing, hard bar of soap with a nice, full lather that features fluffy bubbles. Palm Kernel Oil also causes Soap Making formulas to saponify quickly. Palm Kernel Oil battles dirt and grime - as it dissolves oil and dirt in the water. Aloe Vera Oil: Aloe vera oil has exhibited anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory properties. Containing a host of beneficial compounds, the aloe vera extract has also been shown interesting results when used in conjunction with conventional cancer treatment. It can influence and stimulate assorted factors of the immune system by reducing the inflammation and blood supply to tumors, and can prevent certain compounds from being absorbed by the liver. Externally, aloe vera oil can be used to induce cell regeneration, treat skin conditions such as psoriasis, eczema, acne and skin ulcers, as well as surgical wounds. This is thought to be because aloe vera oil contains vitamin E and C, as well as zinc and polysaccharides which aid in stimulating epidermal growth and cell repair.
Beeswax: Beeswax is a colorless liquid secreted by female worker bees as they build the honeycomb walls. According to, "The wax is secreted from wax glands on the underside of the bee's abdomen and is molded into six-sided cells which are filled with honey, then capped with more wax. When honey is harvested, the top layer of wax that covers the cells, or the cappings, must be removed from each hexagon-shaped cell." To produce one pound of wax, a bee consumes an estimated six to eight pounds of honey, according to Absolute Astronomy reports that bees fly approximately 150,000 miles, or the distance of six earth orbits, to produce only one pound of beeswax. Beeswax properties work in concert with cosmetics. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), beeswax is easily incorporated with water in oil or oil in water emulsions. An excellent emollient and support for moisturizers, beeswax provides skin protective action of a nonocclusive type, bestows consistency to emulsions and oil-gels and reinforces the action of detergents. Nonallergic, beeswax also sustains sunscreen action with its water repellent properties, combines well with multiple ingredients, contains elasticity and provides greater permanence on skin or lip surfaces.
Basil Essential Oil Properties: Carminative, anti spasmodic, analgesic, anti bacterial, opthalmic Health Benefits: Skin care, respiratory problems, infections, stress disorder, blood circulation, pain relief
Bergamot Essential Oil Properties: Deodorant, vulnerary, vermifuge, anti biotic, anti septic, anti spasmodic, sedative, analgesic, anti depressant, disinfectant, febrifuge, cicatrisant, digestive Health Benefits: Removes body odour, gives relief from spasm, suppresses pain, brings hope and fights depression, heals cuts and scars, promotes digestion
Birch Essential Oil Properties: Tonic, disinfectant, stimulant & anti depressant, analgesic, detoxifying, anti rheumatic and anti arthritic, diuretic, anti septic, astringent, febrifuge, germicide and insecticide, depurative Health Benefits: Stimulates functions, fights depression, reduces pain, promotes urination, protects wounds from being septic, reduces fever, kills germs and insects, purifies blood
Cajuput Essential Oil Properties: Anti septic, cosmetic, bactericide, insecticide, decongestant, analgesic, expectorant, febrifuge, vermifuge, anti spasmodic, anti neuralgic, carminative, stimulant, tonic, sudorific, emenagogue Health Benefits: Protects wounds from septic, takes care of skin, kills bacteria and insects, cures congestion in respiratory system, reduces pain, cures coughs, reduces fever, cures spasm, gives relief from pain of neuralgia, removes gases and does not let them form, stimulates secretions and nerves, tones up organic systems, increases perspiration, gives relief from obstructed menses and makes them regular
Cedar wood Essential Oil Properties: anti seborrhoeic, anti septic, anti spasmodic, tonic, astringent, diuretic, emenagogue, expectorant, insecticide, sedative, fungicide Health Benefits: Helps cure seborrhoea, heals wounds, fights spasm, tones up health, cause contractions in gums, muscles, tissues, skin and blood vessels, promotes urination and removal of toxins, water, salt and fat from body, promotes menstruations, cures coughs and cold, kills insects, sedates inflammations and nervous disturbances, inhibitis fungal growth and infections.
Cinnamon Essential Oil Properties: Anti bacterial, anti fungal, anti microbial, astringent, anti clotting, stimulating, cooling, carminative Health Benefits: Brain tonic, respiratory problems, skin infections, blood impurity, blood circulation, infections, healing, pain relief, birth control, menstruation problems, breastfeeding, heart disorders, diabetes, colon cancer, indigestion, mouth freshener
Citronella Essential Oil Properties: Anti bacterial, anti depressant, anti septic, anti spasmodic, anti inflammatory, deodorant, diaphoretic, diuretic, febrifuge, fungicidal, insect repellent, stomachic, stimulant, tonic and vermifuge. Health Benefits: Inhibits bacterial, microbial, viral & fungal infections and kills insects, protects wounds from being septic, relaxes spasm, sedates inflammations, drives away body odour, promotes perspiration, increases urination & removal of toxins, reduces fever, repells insects, good for stomach, stimulates functions, tones up body
Clary Sage Essential Oil Properties: Anti depressant, anti convulsive, anti spasmodic, anti septic, aphrodisiac, astringent, bactericidal, carminative, deodorant, digestive, emenagogue, euphoric, hypotensive, nervine, sedative, stomachic, uterine. Health Benefits: Fights depression and uplifts mood, stops convulsions by sedating nervous disturbances, relaxes spasm, protects wound from septic, cures sexual weakness and increases libido, causes contractions, kills bacteria and checks Bacterial growth, removes gases, drives body odour, improves digestion, opens obstructed menstruations, creates happy feeling, lowers blood pressure, makes nervous system healthy, sedates emotions and anxiety, maintains good health of stomach, restores health of uterus
Clove Essential Oil Properties: Anti microbial, anti fungal, anti septic, anti viral, aphrodisiac, stimulating Health Benefits: Dental care, toothache, cavity, infections, skin care, stress, headache, respiratory problems, earache, indigestion, nausea, blood circulation, blood purification, diabetes, immune system, premature ejaculation, cholera, sty
Cypress Essential Oil Properties: Astringent, anti septic, anti spasmodic, deodorant, diuretic, haemostatic, hepatic, styptic, sudorific, vasoconstrictor, respiratory tonic, sedative. Health Benefits: Strengthens gums and contracts muscles, protects wounds against infections, clears spasm, removes body odour, increases urination, promotes perspiration, tones up respiratory system, sedates inflammations, anxiety etc
Eucalyptus Essential Oil Properties: Anti inflammatory, anti spasmodic, decongestant, deodorant, anti septic, anti bacterial, stimulating Health Benefits: Respiratory problems, wounds, muscle pain, mental exhaustion, dental care, skin care, diabetes, fever, intestinal germs
Grapefruit Essential Oil Properties: Diuretic, disinfectant, stimulant, anti depressant, anti septic, aperitif, lymphatic, tonic Health Benefits: Increases urination, fights infections, stimulates functions, fights depression and uplifts mood, protects wounds from being septic, appetizer, promotes removal of toxins, tones up health.
Jasmine Essential Oil Properties: Anti depressant, anti septic, aphrodisiac, anti spasmodic, cicatrisant, expectorant, galactogogue, emenagogue, parturient, sedative and uterine Health Benefits: Fights depression and uplifts mood, protects wounds, cures sexual weakness and increases libido, cures spasm, heals scars and after marks, gives relief from phlegm and coughs, increases breast milk, opens obstructed menstruations and makes them regular, eases delivery and labor pain, sedates inflammations and nervous disturbances, good for uterine health
 Lavender Essential Oil Properties: Calming, sleep inducing, analgesic, disinfectant, anti inflammatory, anti septic, anti fungal Health Benefits: Nervous system, insomnia, pain relief, urine flow, respiratory disorders, skin care, hair care, blood circulation, indigestion, immunity.
Lemon Essential Oil Properties: anti septic, anti viral, astringent, aperitif, bactericidal, disinfectant, febrifuge, haemostatic, restorative, tonic. Health Benefits: Protects from septic, inhibits viral & bacterial growth, strengthens gums, stops hair fall, lifts skin, induce firmness in muscles, stops haemorrhage, fights infections, cures fever, heals damages, tones body
Lemongrass Essential Oil Properties: Analgesic, anti depressant, anti microbial, anti pyretic, anti septic, astringent, bactericidal, carminative, deodorant, diuretic, febrifuge, fungicidal, galactogogue, insecticidal, nervine, sedative, tonic. Health Benefits: Reduces pain, fights depression, inhibits microbial growth, reduces high fever, protects wounds from being septic, strengthens gums and hair and stops haemorrhage, kills bacteria, removes gases, drives away body odour, promotes urination, reduces fever, stops fungal infections, increases milk, kills insects, strengthens nerves, sedates inflammations and nervous disturbances, tones up whole body
Orange Essential Oil Properties: Anti inflammatory, anti depressant, anti spasmodic, anti septic, aphrodisiac, carminative, diuretic, tonic, sedative and cholagogue Health Benefits: Soothes inflammations, fights depressions & uplifts mood, protects against septic, enhances libido & cures sexual disorders, gives relief from gas, increases urination and removes toxins, tones up health & immune system, sedates emotional & nervous disturbances, increases discharges & secretions from glands
Patchouli Essential Oil Properties: Anti depressant, anti phlogistic, anti septic, aphrodisiac, astringent, cicatrisant, cytophylactic, deodorant, diuretic, febrifuge, fungicide, insecticide, sedative, tonic Health Benefits: Fights depression & uplifts mood, soothes inflammation resulting from high fever, does not let wounds go septic, increases libido and cures sexual disorders, tightens gums, muscles and stops haemorrhage, heals scars and after marks, promotes cell growth, drives away body odour, increases urination and removes toxins, cures fever, kills fungus and insects, sedates emotional and nervous disturbances, tones up body functions
Peppermint Essential Oil Properties: Analgesic, anesthetic, anti septic, anti galactogogue, anti phlogistic, anti spasmodic, astringent, carminative, cephalic, cholagogue, cordial, decongestant, emenagogue, expectorant, febrifuge, hepatic, nervine, stimulant, stomachic, sudorific, vasoconstrictor and vermifuge Health Benefits: Pain relief, induce numbness, protects from septic, reduces milk flow, reduces discharges, relaxes spasm, strengthens gums, stops hair fall, lifts skin, induce firmness in muscles, stops haemorrhage, removes gas, good for brain & memory, promotes bile discharge, warming, clears congestion & eases breathing, opens obstructed menstruations, expells phlegm & catarrh, reduces fever, good for liver, good for nerves, stimulates, good for stomach, promotes perspiration, contracts blood vessels, kills worms
Rose Essential Oil Properties: Anti depressant, anti phlogistic, anti septic, anti spasmodic, anti viral, aphrodisiac, astringent, bactericidal, cholagogue, cicatrisant, depurative, emenagogue, haemostatic, hepatic, laxative, nervine, stomachic, uterine Health Benefits: Fights depression and uplifts mood, soothes inflammation due to fever, protects wounds against septic, clears spasm, fights viral infections, enhances libido and cures sexual disorders, tightens gums, muscles and stops haemorrhage, inhibits Bacterial growth, promotes discharges and secretions, heals scars, purifies blood, opens up obstructed menses, stops haemorrhage, boosts liver health, cures constipation, cures nervous disorders, good for stomach, good for uterine health
Rosemary Essential Oil Properties: Stimulating hair growth, disinfectant, anti septic, anti inflammatory, carminative, anti bacterial, analgesic Health Benefits: Hair care, skin care, mouth care, anxiety, mental disorders, depression, pain, headache, rheumatism, respiratory problems, bronchial asthma, indigestion, flatulence
Rosewood Essential Oil Properties: Analgesic, anti depressant, anti septic, aphrodisiac, anti bacterial, cephalic, deodorant, insecticide, stimulant Health Benefits: Reduces pain, fights depression, protects wounds from being septic, enhances libido and promotes arousal, kills bacteria, good for brain and cures headaches, drives away body odour, kills insects, stimulates discharges and functions
Sage Essential Oil Properties: Anti fungal, anti microbial, anti bacterial, anti septic, anti oxidant, anti inflammatory, anti spasmodic, cholagogue and choleretic, cicatrisant, depurative, digestive, disinfectant, emenagogue, expectorant, febrifuge, laxative, stimulant Health Benefits: Inhibits viral, Bacterial, fungal and parasitic infections and thus protects wounds against being septic, heals damages done by oxidation, soothes inflammations, clears spasm, increases production of bile, promotes digestion, fights infections, opens up obstructed menstruations, cures cough & cold, reduces fever, helps clear bowels, stimulates discharges and functions
Sandalwood Essential Oil Properties: Anti septic, anti inflammatory, anti phlogistic, anti spasmodic, astringent, cicatrisant, carminative, diuretic, disinfectant, emollient, expectorant, hypotensive, memory booster, sedative and tonic Health Benefits: Protects wounds from infections, soothes inflammations due to fever and otherwise, clears spasm, tightens gums & muscles and helps stop hair fall & haemorrhage, heals scars & after marks, gives relief from gas, increases urination, fights infections, keeps skin smooth & free from infections, cures cough & cold, reduces blood pressure, increases memory, sedates nervous afflictions & inflammations, boosts health & immunity
Tangerine Essential Oil Properties: Anti septic, anti spasmodic, cytophylactic, depurative, sedative, stomachic and tonic. Health Benefits: Protects against septic, relaxes spasm, promotes growth & regeneration of cells, purifies blood, sedates inflammations & nervous afflictions, good for stomach, tones up body.
Tea Tree Essential Oil Properties: Anti bacterial, anti microbial, anti viral, fungicide, insecticide, anti septic, balsamic, cicatrisant, expectorant, stimulant, sudorific Health Benefits: Inhibits Bacterial, microbial, viral & infections and kills insects, protects wounds from being septic, promotes absorption of nutrients, heals scars & after marks, cures cough & cold, stimulates functions & discharges, promotes sweating
Thyme Essential Oil Properties: Anti spasmodic, anti rheumatic, anti septic, bactericidal, bechic, cardiac, carminative, cicatrisant, diuretic, emenagogue, expectorant, hypertensive, insecticide, stimulant, tonic, vermifuge Health Benefits: Clears spasm, gives relief from rheumatism by removing toxins, protects wounds from being septic, kills bacteria, helps cure chest infections and cough & cold, good for heart's health, gives relief from gas, heals scars & after marks, increases urination, makes menstruations regular, cures cough & cold
Vanilla Essential Oil Properties: Anti oxidant, aphrodisiac, anti carcinogenic, febrifuge, anti depressant, sedative, tranquilizing, relaxing Health Benefits: Neutralizes effects of free radicals & oxidants and repairs damages due to oxidation, enhances libido & promotes arousal, inhibits growth of cancerous cells, reduces fever, fights depression & uplifts mood, sedates inflammation & nervous afflictions, promotes sleep, gives relief from anxiety & stress.
Red Dirt Soap Company
Rt 1 Box 159 Delaware, OK 74027 US
Phone: 918-559-9186 Website: