Sunday, March 4, 2018

We are here to help

I realize I have not wrote anything in a while. Maybe the crazy business has kept me almost with a writer’s block on exactly what to write. Or maybe I have been working with so many different things that I just really can’t think of what to write about. Nevertheless, I am here and I hoping my Heavenly Father will lead me on what He want’s this one to be about.
I have been doing tons of research on different essential oil blends for so many different problems. At times it almost sends my head into an overwhelming spin. There is o much information to try to retain and put into action.
I don’t know about others but for me, I don’t just take one person’s word on the benefits of something, but I look deeper into it to see if many agree with the information. I have several Naturopathic Doctors that I trust their knowledge and experience along with several others that have done extensive research on the topic. These days there is website of research on almost everything you can think of.
But on to what I want to talk about…
Almost everything we carry was developed with someone particular in mind. See, I feel that is my calling, my gift. Helping others, that is what we love. It brings us great joy to know that one of our products has made someone else’s life just a little brighter.
We believe God has put on this earth everything we need naturally without chemicals and we just have learn to use it they way He intended. So many of those manmade treatments do more harm that good. Natural healing is honestly right at our fingertips but the key to it all is having faith and trust in God and listening to the Holy Spirit to direct you path. And we feel that God has put us here to help those in need.
We do our best to try to make our prices as affordable as possible to our customers, unfortunately natural can be expensive. We have been asked why something is so expensive so many times. And as we explain to them, unlike manmade chemical products where they can make all they need or want at any given time, natural is just that, natural and it takes time for it to grow to reediness. For example, it takes approximately three pounds of lavender to make just 15ml of essential oils, it takes 242,000 rose petals to make 5ml of rose oil. That is a lot of plants… And if you consider the growing time it’s take time and the kindness of mother nature to get a crop. This is the same with everything else. Many essentials the source takes years before you with reap a harvest.
So, to those of you reading this and are looking for some help, some hope, a light at the end of the tunnel, we would love to opportunity to provide that. If you don’t see what you are needing, or it just seems way to overwhelming to figure it all out. We are here to help. Please contact us. We can be reached by email or by phone at (918) 467-0504.

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