But what is in this? What does it do? Does it work? Well general ingredients in Compound W is Active Ingredients: Salicylic Acid (17% w/w) (Wart remover) Only 17% of the "active" ingredient??? Humm usually your active ingredients would be the one of the largest volume but guess not in this case. Inactive Ingredients: Alcohol (67.5%) (v/v), Camphor, Castor (Ricinus Communis) Seed Oil, Collodian, Silicon Dioxide, Hydroxypropyl Cellulose, Hypophosphorous Acid, Polysorbate 80. Well, we all know how I feel about alcohol. And this stuff is 67.5%. WOW! Followed by a few other interesting ingredients until you get to a few interesting ones. Like Collodian, and according to the FDA prolong contact to the skin can cause up to 3 degree burns. HUMM OK?? Then another one I found interesting is Hypophosphorous Acid, which has been shows to eat through hard plastics in less than 10 minutes. HOLY MOLY! And people put this on their skin? No wonder your skin becomes very sore after a couple times of use. And what does it do you ask? Well it eats/burns off the wart. Just like most of the other wart removal products on the market. It can be very painful but at best is very uncomfortable.
Now with Red Dirt Soap Company Wart Remover is none of these. It is not painful or uncomfortable. It safe and easy. It is 100% pure essential and plant oils. Nothing to harm the skin or tissue. As a matter of fact in most cases it will remove the wart with out even leaving a scar. How? You may be asking. Well, through lots of research we developed this special formula. And what it does is absorbs deep into the root of the wart to kill the roots, within a few treatments you will notice the wart may start turning black, although sometimes you wont notice any change. Then just one day out of the blue its gone. It had fallen off. It works great on all kinds of warts; Genital Warts, Plantar Warts, Oral Warts, Flat Warts, Filiform Warts, Animal Warts, Common Warts, Periungual Warts, Vaginal Warts, Seed Warts, Warts on Hands, Female Genital Warts. We have used it on our dogs (works great), our horses (again works great) us, kids, you name it.
Now its your turn to give it a try. And here is a special offer so you can. 40% off with this coupon code blogwart but hurry sale wont last forever. What have you got to loose besides those nasty warts??
Red Dirt Soap Company
Rt 1 Box 159
Phone: 918-559-9186
Website: http://www.reddirtsoap.net/