Thursday, March 7, 2013

What is Glycerin? And what is the big deal?

Well we all know it's all over the place about the benefits of glycerin soap. But the question is what is glycerin? Well let's dig a little deeper on the subject. Now is where I could get into all the scientific words and such that you might not understand. But I would much rather try and explain in easier terms that anyone can understand. Glycerin is a "by-product" now there is vegetable glycerin and fat glycerin. But lets focus on vegetable glycerin and the reason being that "most" glycerin soap maker use this.

Ok, Vegetable Glycerin is often from coconut or palm oil. Both very beneficial oils for your skin and hair. Now the real question is how do they get glycerin from coconut or palm oil. Well, they do it by heating the oils to super high temperature under pressure with water. What this does is glycerin backbone splits off from the fatty acids, and is absorbed by water, from which is then isolated and distilled to obtain the pure product. Food-grade vegetable glycerin is 99.7% pure with the remainder being water. BUT there is also a non-food grade vegetable glycerin that is a by-product. This is what most glycerin soap makers use in soaps. Mostly because they don't know the difference and its way cheaper and they think "well they're not going to eat it so why buy the better one" But in reality the quality is terrible.

So now for the REAL reason for this post. Red Dirt Soap uses NO glycerin. NONE! Let me explain why. Just like with foods you eat the same go's for things you put on your skin. If you cook something at high temperature you are killing the benefits of the material. So when they cook the coconut or palm oil to make this glycerin they are killing the benefits that the natural oils have in making this by-product. Red Dirt Soap Company uses No by-products. We ONLY use pure raw oils. All of our essentials are only distilled extracted to insure there is no chemicals, an none of the benefits are damaged. Same for our carrier oils they are all naturally extracted raw oils. We do not cook any of our products to a high temperature.

Now don't get me wrong I am not saying glycerin is a terrible product. Because it isn't. But I am trying to show you WHY Red Dirt Soap Company products are better. I mean, think about it. Which is better in nutrients a raw piece of broccoli or steamed? The raw right? And Why is that? Because the steamed killed many of the nutrients. Same with raw carrot or cooked? The list go's on and on. Well the same go's for the nutrients in you skin care products. Using raw, pure ingredients are going to be packed full of 10x the benefits and nutrients as the stuff that has been cooked at high temps.

Red Dirt Soap Company
Rt 1 Box 159 Delaware, OK 74027 US
Phone: 918-559-9186 Website:

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