Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Many company claims to be natural, but are they really???

I am starting this blog because of all the fake natural skin care products out there. Many of us think if the bottle says "natural" then it has to be natural because that would be false advertisement. We it must not be because many companies are doing it. NOW on my blog my “plan” is to take one of our products at a time and focus on it. Break it down, compare to others, and explain why ours are good for you, etc.
Now please keep in mind I am NOT a journalist or a grammar major, I am an old fashion country girl from Oklahoma that wants what she pays for. NOT to be lied to my consumers. SO with that in mind if you read a little “slang” in my blogs that would be because I type the way I talk. If I say something you don’t quite understand please, please ask.
Also, if you have any questions at all about our products please ask. That is the biggest reason for this blog, is to help people. That is the biggest reason for our products as well. We want you to know all the benefits of all our products not just a few of them. And it is hard to post everything on the website.
To give you a little more insight on us, my wonderful husband and I married in July of 2010. With this I brought 5 wonderful boys into the marriage ages (now) 21, 19, 15, 12, and 9. My husband brought in 3 wonderful boys and 2 beautiful girls ages (now) 22, 21, 19, 18, 17. And we are now in the process of adopting my 29 year old (might as well be son). Yes, that is 11, but wait that’s not all, we also have 2 beautiful grandbabies ages boy 1 year and girl 1 month. Now I won’t count all the dogs, cats, geese, ducks, and horses, I will be nice.
Now as we go through the products one by one you will find out that most of them are developed because of our kids/grandkids.

Happy Trails until next time!!


  1. Hey Connie! Love your lemongrass soap! My problem is extremely dry skin. It gets so dry it cracks a lot especially hands and feet. I have tried lots of moisturizers, but hate the heavy feeling on my skin. Any advice?

    1. Hi Beth, Connie has actually retired this is her daughter-in-law, but I will be sure to tell her you said HI. First I would like to say thank you for the comment. Now as for your dry skin, we have a wonderful new product out called spa skin therapy that is designed exactly for that. We also now have our liquid soaps that have lots of moisture benefits. And we have out body moisturizer (which comes in many fragrances) If you have been using the commercial moisturizers they are all full of alcohol (which is drying to the skin) and petroleum (will never absorb into the skin just sets on top). Unlike our products that are 100% plant oil based, which is the closest thing to natural skin moisture.
      In a nutshell I recommend either our honey oatmeal bar or aloe bar (both have extra moisturizer in them) or one of our new liquid soaps and our spa skin therapy.
      Please let us know if you have any other questions.
