Sunday, March 4, 2018

We are here to help

I realize I have not wrote anything in a while. Maybe the crazy business has kept me almost with a writer’s block on exactly what to write. Or maybe I have been working with so many different things that I just really can’t think of what to write about. Nevertheless, I am here and I hoping my Heavenly Father will lead me on what He want’s this one to be about.
I have been doing tons of research on different essential oil blends for so many different problems. At times it almost sends my head into an overwhelming spin. There is o much information to try to retain and put into action.
I don’t know about others but for me, I don’t just take one person’s word on the benefits of something, but I look deeper into it to see if many agree with the information. I have several Naturopathic Doctors that I trust their knowledge and experience along with several others that have done extensive research on the topic. These days there is website of research on almost everything you can think of.
But on to what I want to talk about…
Almost everything we carry was developed with someone particular in mind. See, I feel that is my calling, my gift. Helping others, that is what we love. It brings us great joy to know that one of our products has made someone else’s life just a little brighter.
We believe God has put on this earth everything we need naturally without chemicals and we just have learn to use it they way He intended. So many of those manmade treatments do more harm that good. Natural healing is honestly right at our fingertips but the key to it all is having faith and trust in God and listening to the Holy Spirit to direct you path. And we feel that God has put us here to help those in need.
We do our best to try to make our prices as affordable as possible to our customers, unfortunately natural can be expensive. We have been asked why something is so expensive so many times. And as we explain to them, unlike manmade chemical products where they can make all they need or want at any given time, natural is just that, natural and it takes time for it to grow to reediness. For example, it takes approximately three pounds of lavender to make just 15ml of essential oils, it takes 242,000 rose petals to make 5ml of rose oil. That is a lot of plants… And if you consider the growing time it’s take time and the kindness of mother nature to get a crop. This is the same with everything else. Many essentials the source takes years before you with reap a harvest.
So, to those of you reading this and are looking for some help, some hope, a light at the end of the tunnel, we would love to opportunity to provide that. If you don’t see what you are needing, or it just seems way to overwhelming to figure it all out. We are here to help. Please contact us. We can be reached by email or by phone at (918) 467-0504.

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Magnesium is one of the most important elements God put on our planet and in our body!

Do you realize 4 out of every 5 Americans are magnesium deficient. Most of us don’t even realize how important magnesium is to our body and organs. Not only is it important itself but it is also very vital in helping our body absorb calcium.
This wonderful element on our planet, magnesium is also present in every organ in the human body. In fact, it’s considered a vital mineral for over 300 biochemical reactions that regulate our health and wellness. But unfortunately, many of us simply don’t get enough magnesium in our bodies to the point that we unknowingly suffer from a magnesium deficiency. 
In a report by the World Health Organization, it was found that intake levels of magnesium are varied in people all over the world, and that less than 60 percent of adult men and women in the U.S. met the “Adequate Intake” (AI) values for magnesium. Frankly, we also aren’t getting as much in our diets thanks to water filtering and decreased minerals in the soil because of pesticide use and over-farming.
Therefore, while it’s also found in unfiltered drinking water, it’s key to consume magnesium-rich foods like dairy products, vegetables, grain, fruit and nuts. And another key way of getting more magnesium in your body? Magnesium oil.
It’s a wonderful home remedy for a number of daily ailments, magnesium most notably has been credited with decreasing stress, sustaining a sense of well-being and improving sleep. Lately, studies have shown that magnesium can also boost performance levels, improve skin quality, and even help hypertension and diabetes.

Background of Magnesium Oil
Magnesium ions in the body are most commonly found in bones, but are also important elements in enzymes that help break down the food we eat into energy. Magnesium is a helper in so many different bodily processes, sometimes it is the key to unlocking the benefits in therapies and remedies that don’t seem to be working.
Magnesium has a role in the synthesis of essential molecules like DNA, RNA and proteins. In bones, cell membranes and chromosomes, magnesium makes up a large portion of the structural base. Magnesium also plays a large part in nutrient reactions and interactions, helping achieve absorption and balance in the body.
It’s important to note that magnesium is key to calcium absorption. These two work in a very special relationship with each other in the body, for if you have a calcium deficiency or imbalance, then you also may have a magnesium deficiency. Often, a magnesium deficiency can be a precursor to later calcium issues, because of this affect on calcium uptake! This relationship is why calcium food sources are the most effective when eaten with magnesium-rich foods.

Magnesium deficiency has a number of negative affects and has been linked to:
ü  Hypertension and cardiovascular disease
ü  Coronary Heart Disease
ü  Metabolic Syndrome
ü  Stroke
ü  Osteoporosis
ü  Decreased insulin sensitivity
ü  Asthma
ü  Migraines and headaches
ü  Inflammation
ü  Issues with the inner lining of blood vessels (endothelial dysfunction)
ü  Impairment of exercise performance
ü  Gastrointestinal issues

Magnesium Oil
Ancient people these so-called ancient minerals for topical and transdermal therapies for centuries, with little knowledge of the science behind the process. These included mineral baths, herbal compresses, mud packs, and steam and sweat lodges.
We know now how beneficial transdermal therapies can be in healing and wellness. In this case, transdermal application of magnesium helps to prevent side effects and can work more quickly and effectively.
It has been found that magnesium, despite being available in many dietary sources, is not best absorbed orally. Magnesium taken orally is affected by a number of elements in your gut, and can also act as a laxative, which reduces the amount of time the mineral can be absorbed in the body.
Injections of magnesium are commonly used for heart attacks and strokes, but the best way to regularly increase levels is using magnesium in a transdermal fashion. Some health experts have begun calling topical magnesium application, Transdermal Magnesium Therapy (TMT).
In a magnesium study in Spring 2010, patients using transdermal magnesium therapy saw increases in their cellular magnesium levels after 12 weeks of using magnesium sprays and soaks. The average increase over 12 weeks was 25.2 percent, which I consider very impressive.
The RDA (Recommended Daily Amount) of magnesium is about 300 milligrams daily, but the Office of Dietary Supplements recommends optimum levels are 400–420 milligrams for men and 310–320 milligrams for women daily. Our current diets are providing on average, less than 250 milligrams per day. Use of magnesium oil to supplement this deficiency is the easiest and most effective way.

7 Magnesium Oil Benefits
1. Sports performance and workout recovery
Athletes need adequate magnesium levels to perform at their best. Magnesium studies have shown that exercise redistributes magnesium throughout the body and can negatively affect physical performance. Athletes like gymnasts and wrestlers that rely on weight control may be the most affected.
Magnesium-deficient individuals can find beneficial effects on their exercise performance when magnesium supplements are introduced. Magnesium oil is also a natural muscle relaxant and applications to sore muscles and joints can also provide pain and ache relief.
2. Migraine Relief
Migraine sufferers have lower levels of intracellular magnesium during acute migraine attacks. Low levels of magnesium affect a number of related receptors and neurotransmitters that cause migraine headaches. Studies have also shown that regular magnesium supplementation can reduce the frequency of migraines.
3. Skin care
In studies regarding magnesium oil uses, magnesium has been shown to break apart different fats and oils and, therefore, can help aid in reducing skin oiliness. Magnesium benefits also include its stress-relieving abilities, which can help to reduce stress-related skin irritations such as acne and rosacea.
4. Regulating diabetes
Poorly controlled diabetes results in a large excretion of glucose in urine, which in turn, depletes magnesium levels and has major implications in insulin resistance. Proper magnesium levels are incredibly important in diabetes patients, as insulin resistance can result in major problems in trying to control diabetes mellitus
5. Regulating hypertension
Magnesium supplementation has been shown to offer slight decreases in blood pressure in patients suffering from hypertension. There are a number of additional factors that affect blood pressure in these individuals, but the studies concluded magnesium supplementation lowers blood pressure. 
6. Stress relief and general well-being
Magnesium has long been known for its ability to relieve stress, as it is typically wasted via urine in times of duress. It aids in helping a number of neurological and physiological processes when the body is under stress, so maintaining sufficient levels will help to balance hormones naturally.
7. Sleep improvement
Magnesium works as a natural muscle relaxant, which is why many people swear by it to help with sleep issues. Magnesium helps you sleep because of its ability mineral to relax GABA receptors in the brain and nervous system, which helps promote a “slow down” you need in order to sleep.
Magnesium supplementation has also been shown to provide benefits, such as:
ü  Care to prevent seizures for pregnant women with preeclampsia or eclampsia
ü  Protection against brain damage in premature infants
ü  Help with morning sickness in pregnant women
ü  Hormone balancing
ü  Reducing symptoms of PMS
ü  Help prevent osteoporosis

How to Use Magnesium Oil
It’s recommended that once your start using magnesium oil that you continue to do so daily, applying more as you feel comfortable. It can take time to drastically increase magnesium levels, so it’s important to stick with regular applications. Keep track of your well-being and ailments prior to starting your regular applications to see how magnesium is affecting you and whether you need to change your dosage.
Spray: Spraying magnesium oil directly on the skin is the most common application of the mineral. It’s best to apply after a shower, when the skin is clear of lotions or other oils. After spraying, magnesium oil should be thoroughly rubbed in and left to absorb for about 30 minutes. Depending on your preference, you can shower or wipe down to eliminate any residue.
The first few times applying magnesium spray may result in some uncomfortable tingling. This sensation should dissipate the longer you use it.
Massage: Massage promotes blood flow and will ultimately maximize the absorption of magnesium oil. Magnesium oil is used by the body primarily in the area of application, so muscle cramps and soreness can be alleviated using massage and magnesium oil as treatment.
Sports Rub: Essential oils like wintergreen oil  (which we have available as well) can be added to magnesium oil to create a more potent massage oil for sports massages.
Bath: Some users say direct application of magnesium oil can create a tingling or stinging sensation they do not enjoy, so soaking in magnesium chloride diluted in a hot bath can be a great alternative. Using essential oils to add a pleasing scent is also common.
Foot Soaks: Similar to a bath, soaking feet or legs in warm water with magnesium chloride can help provide benefits to specific areas.
Deodorant: Mineral salts have been used for many years as a natural odor blocker. Magnesium oil will work as a non-toxic deodorant too. Be sure not to apply magnesium oil to freshly-shaven skin, as it will cause irritation.

Friday, May 6, 2016

Revamp the skin with essential oils

Are you tired of loose, saggy skin? Would you LOVE a cream that will truly help tighten and tone your skin right before your eyes! The pictures are (left) before (right) after only 1 week using it every night before bed. I believe the pictures in this care are worth a 1000 words! Below is before and after pictures. Also the reason why we use the ingredients we use.

INGREDIENTS: avocado, castor, coconut, grape seed, jojoba, olive, palm oil, wheat germ, Shea Butter, Sweet Almond Oil, Cocoa Butter, Apricot Kernel, Evening Primrose, Aloe Vera, Glycerin, Silky was, water, Activated Charcoal Powder, Pomegranate Fruit Powder, Camu Camu Fruit Powder, Noni Fruit Powder, Spinach Leaf Powder, Alfalfa Leaf Powder, Pumpkin Seed Powder, Rosehips Powder, Spirulina Powder, Thyme Leaf Whole, Turmeric- Ground, Chamomile Flowers German- Powder, Dandelion Root Powder, Green Tea Powder, Carrot powder, Burdock Root, Watermelon, Bentonite Clay, Grapefruit, Lavender, Patchouli, Lemon, Lemongrass, Sweet basil, Rosemary, Orange, Birch,

Apricot Kernel Oil is known as the best essential oil for skin treatment, soothing, moisturizing and nourishing actions on our skin, as well as anti-inflammatory, cooling and other properties moisturizing skin, making it firmer, clearer and more elastic,
Avocado Oil powerful antioxidant property protects circulating white blood cells, helping to keep the skin from oxidizing while it permeates through the cell wall
Castor Oil prevent appearance of wrinkles that occur with age, excellent source of essential nutrients such as vitamin E, antioxidants and minerals that boost skin health, 
Cocoa Butter Antioxidants protect the skin from free radicals or toxins that damage tissues at the cellular level, helped to reduce their scars, 
Coconut Oil Organic Dry, irritated skin, sunburn, acne, psoriasis, eczema, and bug bites, great help in the fight against aging, as it has been proven to help diminish the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
Evening Primrose Oil  high level of antioxidants, which counteract the detrimental effects of oxidation in living tissue, make it a worthy inclusion in skin preparations for smoothing roughness, skin irritations and inflammations reducing fine lines, and lightening dark circles around the eyes
Grape Seed Oil antioxidants in grape seed oil are associated with improving aging skin by protecting the elastin and collagen, 
Olive Oil fighting free radicals, photo aging and damage to maintain younger looking skin, help maintain a youthful appearance and reduce the toll free radicals takes on your skin
Palm Oil Vitamins A and E are free radical neutralizers. Free radicals are unpaired molecules in the body that cause destruction of your cells. These vitamins fight free radicals, helping to protect and preserve your cells, resulting in healthier hair and skin
Shea Butter used to cool burns, soothe sores, fade scars, lighten stretch marks, and help cure skin conditions such as dermatitis, psoriasis, rich in vitamins A and E, help diminish wrinkles by moisturizing the skin, promoting cell renewal, and increasing circulation, rich in fatty acids, which help skin retain its moisture and elasticity
Sweet Almond Oil antioxidants and anti-aging properties, easily absorb in the skin but it help to maintain the tone of the skin, reduce wrinkles and fine lines in your face, glowing and radiant complexions that will make you look younger than your age, revitalize your skin
Wheat Germ naturally rich in Vitamins A, D, and E, and also contains Vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, F, Essential Fatty Acids, protein, and minerals, promotes skin cell formation, nourishing and rejuvenating dry, mature, dehydrated skin, and reducing scars, stretch marks, sunburns, and damaged skin. It has anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant effects, which may be beneficial medicinally as well as in cosmetics,
alfalfa vitamins A, B1, B6, B12, C, E, K, niacin, pantothenic acid, biotin, folic acid, and many essential amino acids, it also provides the skin and hair with cleansing and purifying qualities.
bentonite clay allows for products to have better "glide" during application. 
burdock root burdock is considered the most important herb for treating chronic skin conditions. It can collectively treat eczema, psoriasis, acne, boils, styes, herpes, carbuncles, cankers, and syphilitic sores. 
camu camu high levels of antioxidants in camu camu, it is used in cosmetic products to reduce free radical attacks; protecting the skin from premature aging. Camu camu is said to help whiten dark patches on the skin when used in skincare products
carrot powder it repairs and tones the skin, reduces wrinkles and scars, improves circulation, increases elasticity, and provides the skin with beta-carotene, which is an antioxidant. Carrot powder contains the following vitamins and minerals to nourish your skin: Vitamin A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, C, E, K, calcium, iron, potassium, phosphorus, and magnesium
chamomile flower provide skin softening, relaxation, and to provide a wonderful aroma.  Chamomile helps with a number of skin problems; flaky skin, wrinkles, and stretch marks.  Chamomile flower powder can be used in natural bath tea recipes since it is a natural muscle relaxer.  Chamomile flower powder can be used as a decorative element, and for skin softening purposes in soaps.  Chamomile will produce shinier, more manageable hair. Chamomile tea applied to the skin will help produce a healthier, softer low. Chamomile powder in massage oils to help with muscle stiffness and inflammation
charcoal Natural way to color your soap black. Activated charcoal is also used as a detoxifying agent in soap. Activated charcoal is a natural odor absorber. 
citric acid Citric acid is used in cosmetics to lower the ph in formulations, and is used in soaps to provide better foam and water-softening
dandelion packed full of vitamins and minerals such as vitamin A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, C, and D, as well as calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc, copper, boron, potassium, manganese, and choline. Herbalists use dandelion leaf and root as a diuretic. The spring leaves and roots of the dandelion produce a substance called mannitol, which is used in the treatment of hypertension. Dandelion is a fabulous herb for eczema, acne, age spots, and skin blemishes.
green tea leaves contains polyphenols, which are known for their antioxidant properties. Researchers have also found that the polysaccharides found in Green tea provides extra moisture to the skin. Green Tea Leaves can be used in soap recipes for its antioxidant properties and gentle exfoliation.
noni fruit high in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, contains 17 of the 20 amino acids; 9 of which are essential amino acids, contains limonene and anthraquinones, which act as antiseptics.   Scopoletin, found in noni fruit, has been shown to exhibit anti-inflammatory properties, contains a substance called xeronine which  promotes cell rejuvenation, mineral selenium that is found in noni fruit is great for skin health and elasticity.  Herbalists consider noni fruit to be a full-spectrum healing fruit
pomegranate high level of antioxidants, vitamin A, vitamin C, Vitamin B1, B2, B3, vitamin K, anthocyanidins, sodium, and calcium.  Pomegranates are used in the cosmetic industry to promote healthy cell growth, and to nourish the skin. Pomegranate fruit powder exhibits anti-inflammatory, anti-aging properties. 
pumpkin seeds contains an array of nutrients which are beneficial to your body.  Pumpkin seeds contain 18 amino acids, omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids, phosphorus, manganese, magnesium, zinc, iron, copper, and vitamin K.  Pumpkin seed powder is used in cosmetics for its antioxidant, nourishing, and skin softening properties
rosehips contain high levels of vitamin C, in addition to vitamins E, A, and D. Rosehips are used in skincare for its high level of antioxidants and anti-aging properties
spinach leaf vitamins A, C, B1, B3, B6, and K.  Spinach leaf also contains protein, iron, manganese, calcium, phosphorus, beta-carotene, potassium, carotenoids, chlorophyll, antioxidants, and Phytochemicals.  Extremely nourishing to the skin, hair, and nails
spirlina provides an abundance of the following vitamins and minerals: Vitamin B12, Vitamin F (gamalinoleinske acid), natural beta-carotene, and iron.  In cosmetics, it is used to nourish the skin, hair, and nails
thyme topical antibiotic and anti-fungal agent. 
turmeric beneficial properties in natural cosmetics.  Turmeric can be used as a natural colorant in soap; turning your soap yellow. Turmeric has been found to heal and prevent dry skin, treat skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, and acne, and has anti-aging properties. 
watermelon ich in Vitamin C and naturally occurring carbohydrates and amino acids. It supports the UV-stressed immune system of the skin and can be used to prevent photo-aging. This extract also helps to protect the skin from every day toxins and promotes cell-renewal
keratin augments the free amino acids naturally present in the skin giving the skin a soft, healthy, moist appearance
collagen Elastin, they give skin texture and structure, 
Aloe Vera exhibited anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory properties, can be used to induce cell regeneration, treat skin conditions such as psoriasis, eczema, acne and skin ulcers, as well as surgical wounds, contains vitamin E and C, as well as zinc and polysaccharides which aid in stimulating epidermal growth and cell repair
basil Skin care, infections, blood circulation, pain relief
birch Stimulates functions, fights depression, reduces pain, promotes urination, protects wounds from being septic, kills germs and insects, purifies blood
clove skin care, stress, headache, blood circulation
Grapefruit fights infections, stimulates functions, fights depression and uplifts mood, protects wounds from being septic, promotes removal of toxins, tones up health
lavender skin care, hair care, blood circulation, analgesic, disinfectant, anti-inflammatory, anti septic, anti fungal
lemongrass stops fungal infections, strengthens nerves, sedates inflammations and nervous disturbances, tones up whole body
orange Soothes inflammations, fights depressions & uplifts mood, protects against septic, removes toxins, tones up health & immune system, sedates emotional & nervous disturbances, increases discharges & secretions from glands
Patchouli heals scars and after marks, promotes cell growth, removes toxins, tones up body functions
peppermint relaxes spasm, lifts skin, induce firmness in muscles, stimulates, 
Rosemery Hair care, skin care, anti-inflammatory, carminative, anti bacterial, analgesic
sage Anti fungal, anti microbial, anti bacterial, anti septic, anti oxidant, anti inflammatory, anti spasmodic, , heals damages done by oxidation, heals damages done by oxidation, soothes inflammations, clears spasm, increases production of bile, promotes digestion, fights infections
thyme anti septic, bactericidal, bechic, cardiac, carminative, cicatrisant, Clears spasm, gives relief from rheumatism by removing toxins

Friday, January 24, 2014

What is is your salt scrub? Is all salt scrubs the same?

Well we all know how wonderful salt scrubs are. How soft and clean they make your skin feel. But the question is are they all the same? Let's take a look and see. And you can decide what you like. Do you prefer truly knowing what your are putting on your skin or not?

Red Dirt Soap salt scrub contains a blend of Apricot kernel oil, wheat germ oil, Shea butter, cocoa butter, coconut oil, deep sea salt, and 2 essential oils the maximum benefits. Plus just like every single product made by Red Dirt Soap Company it is make by human hands. Every single drop, every jar, every label. It is NOT made by the thousands that sets for months or years until bought. It is made in small quantities to preserve freshness and quality.

Sephora salt scrub contains Sea Salt, Glycerin, Polyglyceryl-10 Dipalmitate, Water, Butylene Glycol, Plankton Extract, Kelp Extract, Algae Extract, Bladderwrack Extract, Fragrance, Propylene Glycol, Diazolidinyl Urea, Methylparaben, Propylparaben, FD&C Blue No. 1.

Spa Wisdom salt scrub contains Glycerin (Humectant), Sodium Chloride (Viscosity Modifier), Beeswax (Emulsifier/Emollient), Cetearyl Alcohol (Emulsifier), Disodium Lauryl Sulfosuccinate (Surfactant), Sodium Cocoyl Isethionate (Surfactant), Zea Mays (Corn) Starch (Absorbent/Chelating Agent), Butyrospermum Parkii (Shea Butter) (Skin-Conditioning Agent/Emollient), Fragrance (Fragrance), Cocamidopropyl Betaine (Surfactant), Hydrogenated Castor Oil (Emollient), Water (Solvent/Diluent), Ximenia Americana Seed Oil (Emollient), Hexyl Cinnamal (Fragrance Ingredient), Butylphenyl Methylpropional (Fragrance Ingredient), Limonene (Fragrance Ingredient), Benzyl Salicylate (Fragrance Ingredient), Alpha-Isomethyl Ionone (Fragrance Ingredient), Titanium Dioxide (Colour).

Anthropologie salt scrub contains Key ingredients: dead sea salts, organic safflower oil, organic jojoba oil, organic basil, organic lavender, organic orange, California lemon, bergamot, non-GMO vitamin E (not this one you notice it says "key ingredients" these always scare me because you have no clue what else it may have in it)

Co Bigelow salt scrub (Astara) contains Sodium Chloride, Glycerin, Water (Aqua), Sodium Cocosulfate, Polyglyceryl-10, Pentastearate, Behenyl Alcohol, Sodium Stearoyl Lactylate, Citrus Arantium Bergamia (Bergamot) Fruit Oil, Lavendula Angustifolia (Lavender) Oil, Eucalyptus Globulus Leaf Oil, Numphaea Alba (Water Lily) Extract, Daucus Carota Sativa (Carrot) Oleoresin, Thymus Vulgaris Leaf Oil, Dead Sea Salts, Papain, Algae Extract, Microcrystalline Cellulose, Cellulose Gum, Carrageenan, Caramel

Ole Henriksen salt scrub contains Glycerin, Butylene Glycol, Methylparaban, Caprylic/Capric Triglyceride, Glyceryl Stearate SE, PED-100 Stearate, Ceteth-2, Cetearyl Alcohol, Ceteareth-20, Dimethicone, Propylparaban, Prunus Amygdalus Dulcis (Sweet Almond) Oil, Calcium Carbonate, Blue 1, Lemongrass Oil, Polysorbate 20, Lavandula Angustifolia (Lavender) Oil, Sea Salt, Sodium Chloride

What is in your salt scrub?

One of the biggest keys/benefits of Red Dirt Soap Company salt scrub is that because it is a blend of oils and butters it doesn't have that layer of oil setting at the top. It is not a greasy mess. It is silky smooth.

Red Dirt Soap Company
Rt 1 Box 159 Delaware, OK 74027 US
Phone: 918-559-9186 Website:

What do you really "WANT" and "DON'T WANT" in your hair care products? And are you doing more damage than good?

Store bought shampoo is mostly comprised of water and sulfates. While different shampoos use different types of sulfates even your professional shampoos have to use sulfate (instead of being completely sulfate free) they say it’s to create that suds effect, it is critically important which sulfate is listed in your ingredients and what that means to you. Did you know there is a sulfate listed as an ingredient in a lot of generic shampoos that is known to have traces of 1.4 dioxane, an irritant and probable carcinogen? In fact, in California, 1.4 dioxane is classified as a known cancer-causing agent and any product with traces of it needs to be labeled with a warning by law. California seems to be making good on that promise, having sued several companies who weren’t properly labeling their products back in 2008. But California is just one state and still, this ingredient hasn’t been banned but simply unveiled for consumers to merely see. This sulfate which contains dioxane- sodium lauryl ether sulfate or sodium laureth sulfate- is an ingredient in shampoos such as Tresemme, Herbal Essences and Pantene Pro-V. And it’s in the top three ingredients in most of these generic shampoos. Am I saying that grocery store brands of shampoo will give you cancer? Definitely not. And do all shampoos have chemicals or ingredients that could affect you? Probably. But the point I’m making is that exposing yourself to something that could hurt your health to any degree is absolutely not worth the few extra dollars saved for anyone. Somewhere between the generic shampoos which do much more harm than good and are full of chemicals and the expensive, organic shampoos You will find our shampoo and conditioner. Even though our shampoo and conditioner is 100% natural, organic products we don't expect you to pay that unreal price.
Long story short, you have hair follicles in your head that your hair strands grow out of. In those follicles are glands that produce a natural sebum or oil that naturally cleanses your hair. These oils cleanse your scalp, hydrate your roots, and travel all the way to your ends through hair-brushing to moisturize and add shine. When the sebaceous gland is allowed to secrete oils for a couple days at a time, it can properly do it’s job. But when it is washed out everyday (whether by store bought shampoo or salon professional), you’ll run into a couple problems. The first is that you will constantly be washing out these oils before they can effectively do their job, meaning you are never getting the natural benefits your body wants to produce. The second is that by replacing your “natural cleanser” with your shampoo, you are creating the perfect formula for greasy roots. You should be allowing your sebaceous gland to build up and only using your shampoo to wash out that particular build up. By not doing so, you are not allowing your sebaceous gland to secrete anything at any point and relying on your shampoo to do the deep cleaning, which it isn’t made to do. So you walk around with greasy roots, dull ends that never see natural moisture, and a huge bummer of a problem. I recommend to all of my customers that they wash their hair about every other day. And be sure to note that when switching your routine in this way, it will take anywhere from 6 weeks to 2 months to fully adjust. And it’s also important to note that different hair types take to this routine differently. Ladies with curly, coarse hair can go longer than those of us with finer, wispier strands. But the important thing is that you are giving your locks enough time in between washing to naturally cleanse and hydrate, whatever that timing ends up being for you.
Shampoo is meant to remove dirt, sebum (a.k.a. oils), and product buildup from your hair. But there are dozens of different brands to choose from, and even more types within those brands. 
The same goes for conditioners. Conditioners are meant to add shine, protect hair from drying out and allow for easier combing. Here, we run down the best shampoos and conditioners for four different hair types. Coarse, curly hair Curly hair is almost always dry hair and here's why: Oils produced in the scalp don't travel as easily down the hair shaft as they do with straight hair.
You need a shampoo that softens hair while minimizing frizz. We've found creamy, moisturizing shampoos work best for this hair texture. Look for wheat germ oil, jojoba oil, nut oils (almond and coconut, for example), as well as natural vegetable oils in your shampoos. Natural plant oils also work for deep hydration. These tend to coat the hair shaft, trapping water inside. 
Conditioners: More than any other hair type, women with coarse, curly hair must condition every time they shampoo. Look for an ultra-moisturizing conditioner made especially for coarse hair. Once a month use a hot oil treatment we recommend our organic coconut oil. Just be careful with those store bought hot oil treatments. Most of them contain chemicals that are not healthy for your hair.. For extra-dry hair, use an intense moisturizing treatment every 2 weeks.
The key is to pick a product that works great, doesn't damage, and is affordable. Correct? Red Dirt Soap Company Natural Shampoo and Conditioner is just what you need.
Extra tip: Curly hair should not be washed every day. You'll only dehydrate hair and make it more frizzy and unmanageable. Another alternative to shampoo washing's is to rinse the hair with water and then follow with a conditioner. Also, lay off the blow dryer (they tend to dry out hair even more) and let curls dry naturally. Fine, oily, or limp hair Fine hair is most susceptible to looking 'oily' and can get this way after only one day. You want a gentle shampoo marked for daily or frequent washing. The secret fine hair shampoo lies in a body-building ingredient called panthenol. Hair experts swear that panthenol penetrates the hair cuticle making each strand thicker.
Conditioners: Not all limp-haired ladies need conditioners. If you find you can easily comb out hair after washing's without a conditioner you can skip it. Conditioners are good for combing out fine hair. Massage a light-weight conditioner from mid-shaft down and no need to leave it on for long. If you have extremely greasy hair, look for the oil-absorbing tea-tree oil in your conditioner.
Colored or chemically-treated hair your goal is to reinforce weak areas in the hair shaft that naturally comes from coloring, straightening, relaxing or perming hair. Look for protein-based shampoos with ingredients such as wheat and soy oils unfortunately, overly processed hair can suffer from oily roots but dry shaft and ends. Therefore, washing processed hair can be tricky business. You want to cleanse the roots while moisturizing the ends. We suggest washing hair every other day with a shampoo made for normal hair. Concentrate on cleaning the scalp. Then use a strong conditioner only on the mid-shaft to ends of hair. Here are other shampoo tips for the following processed hair types:
Colored. Hair experts swear color-protection shampoos contain gentle cleansers and ingredients that preserve color. Other experts suggest shampoos for color-treated hair are just another way for companies to make money off you. With our hair care products you will not find any harsh chemicals to damage your already brittle hair. We say: Whatever works for you.
Permed or relaxed. Any moisturizing shampoo will work for your hair type but apply it only to roots and rub it in well. Then apply a quick burst of water. While the water is running down the hair shaft, massage hair to remove any dirt and grime. Rinse well. You don't want to skip the conditioner. Make sure to keep conditioner from the roots.
Conditioners: Look for a rich conditioner to be used primarily on the ends of your hair. Avoid conditioners that contain silicone, since they tend to strip color.
Extra tip for processed hair: Wash your hair only every few days to prevent drying out.
Look for natural plant, nut, and vegetable oils with keratin and collagen to help restore the moisture balance to your hair.
Conditioners: Again, moisturizing is key. You'll want to look for an ultra-moisturizing conditioner.
Organic Shampoo Ingredients: apricot kernel oil, avocado oil, castor oil, coconut oil, grape seed oil, jojoba oil, olive oil, Phytokeratin (natural vegetable delivered keratin), Pseudocollagen Naturally Derived Active, palm oil, palm kernel oil, wheat germ oil, and essential oils.

Organic Conditioner Ingredients: avocado oil, apricot kernel oil, castor oil, coconut oil, cocoa butter, jojoba oil, olive oil, Phytokeratin (natural vegetable delivered keratin), Pseudocollagen Naturally Derived Active, shea butter, grape seed oil, sweet almond oil, wheat germ oil, distilled water, and essential oils.

 Red Dirt Soap Company

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

How safe is your wart removers? Or are you doing more harm than good?

I think almost everyone has a wart at one point in their life. And unfortunately some get many of them and/or get them quite often. But the question is how do you get rid of it? And it is amazing some of the things people will put themselves through to get rid of them. I've heard of people cutting them off (OUCH) major scar, burning them off (DON"T THINK SO) burns hurt, I don't care who you are, plus another scar, freezing them off (BURRR) damages every single layer of your skin, even the tissue below it, and them the old common treatment Compound W that has been around for decades. Everybody has heard of them, they now have several forms of removal. And none of these kills the roots, that's why the commonly come back.

But what is in this? What does it do? Does it work? Well general ingredients in Compound W is Active Ingredients: Salicylic Acid (17% w/w) (Wart remover) Only 17% of the "active" ingredient??? Humm usually your active ingredients would be the one of the largest volume but guess not in this case.  Inactive Ingredients: Alcohol (67.5%) (v/v), Camphor, Castor (Ricinus Communis) Seed Oil, Collodian, Silicon Dioxide, Hydroxypropyl Cellulose, Hypophosphorous Acid, Polysorbate 80. Well, we all know how I feel about alcohol. And this stuff is 67.5%. WOW! Followed by a few other interesting ingredients until you get to a few interesting ones. Like Collodian, and according to the FDA prolong contact to the skin can cause up to 3 degree burns. HUMM OK?? Then another one I found interesting is Hypophosphorous Acid, which has been shows to eat through hard plastics in less than 10 minutes. HOLY MOLY! And people put this on their skin? No wonder your skin becomes very sore after a couple times of use. And what does it do you ask? Well it eats/burns off the wart. Just like most of the other wart removal products on the market. It can be very painful but at best is very uncomfortable.

Now with Red Dirt Soap Company Wart Remover is none of these. It is not painful or uncomfortable. It safe and easy. It is 100% pure essential and plant oils. Nothing to harm the skin or tissue. As a matter of fact in most cases it will remove the wart with out even leaving a scar. How? You may be asking. Well, through lots of research we developed this special formula. And what it does is absorbs deep into the root of the wart to kill the roots, within a few treatments you will notice the wart may start turning black, although sometimes you wont notice any change. Then just one day out of the blue its gone. It had fallen off. It works great on all kinds of warts; Genital Warts, Plantar Warts, Oral Warts, Flat Warts, Filiform Warts, Animal Warts, Common Warts, Periungual Warts, Vaginal Warts, Seed Warts, Warts on Hands, Female Genital Warts. We have used it on our dogs (works great), our horses (again works great) us, kids, you name it.

Now its your turn to give it a try. And here is a special offer so you can. 40% off with this coupon code blogwart but hurry sale wont last forever. What have you got to loose besides those nasty warts??

Red Dirt Soap Company
Rt 1 Box 159 Delaware, OK 74027 US
Phone: 918-559-9186 Website: